Winter 2019 - 2020
February 25th, 2020
Dear Carvers,
Our thoughts during Tuesday's session were deeply focused on Matt and his health, on Roy for the recent loss of his wife, and on Scot's mom who is recovering from a broken hip. We will certainly be keeping all of them close and sending healing love their way.
Marilyn Posluszny, a CCW life member, has been in touch from Texas to let us know how much she enjoys hearing about the club's goings-on, seeing familiar and new faces and our projects. Jack Maroney, from Monterey, has sent greetings to his carving friends.
Upcoming events:
March 8: Daylight Savings Time (YAY!)
March 14 (and every 2nd Saturday of the month): Carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum 1-4 p.m. Scot Lang or Dave Dignam will fill in for Matt as needed to lead the sessions.
March 24 & 31: Pipestone Carving by Dave Johnson, in the annex
Please continue to carve your patriotic pieces for our July assignment at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum, which need to be completed in June. Melody will collect all pieces to adorn the tree on July 1. Carving blanks can be obtained from Dave or Scot.
Please continue to also carve your raffle give-aways (at least 2 per carver, please) and your bigger raffle pieces for the September Show. If you will have a table at the September 19 & 20 Woodcarving Show, no doubt you're working on pieces to show or sell there. Both July and September will roll up on us faster than we expect!
We all are thankful for the friends and "family" we've made through carving. We support each other in so many ways: we celebrate the good times and share the hurt when our carvers are going through tough times. How fortunate we are to have the ability to care for each other and make long lasting connections.
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver's Guild.
February 18th, 2020
Dear Carvers,
One corner of the room at today's session was filled with our gourd artists learning to paint/dye the designs they'd burned onto their selected gourds. Prior to applying the colorant, gourds were cleaned with a "49" solution (which can be made at home by mixing Murphy's oil with water - 1 part oil to 10 parts water) Colorants can also be thinned by mixing with this solution. Dye was applied using tiny eyeliner brushes (which can/should be found in the cosmetics aisle of your local retailer) Designs were burned on, painters were painting, heat guns were blasting and beautiful pieces were emerging. Artists, please bring your gourd projects next week to be put on display. Thank you to Scot Lang and Brandy McKay for their encouraging instruction and guidance and provision of supplies during these classes.
Tom, Dave and Bob hammered and chiseled away at their "4 hour projects" in wet wood stumps.
Ornaments, bark houses, trolls, animals, birds, wood burned projects and more were being worked on elsewhere in the room.
We learned of challenges keeping some of our carvers from our recent sessions, including Alicia, Shelley, Ginny and Kristen (see Kristen's email below). We hope they know how much they are missed within their carving family. We all wish them positive progress and speedy returns. We continue to keep Marsha in our thoughts: sweet reminders of Bob continue to pop up as we carve- today I noticed his name printed on our electrical cord plug.
From Kristen Bachman:
"Thought I'd check in with my carvers. I'm still out here in Albuquerque with my Dad and now his wife who is home from her care facility. Her medicare ran out and she is still very ill and not of the best attitude mentally.
Challenging to say the least. Dad improves though. I caught pneumonia and spent a couple nights in the hospital about a week and a half ago. I am getting better and just got back to a koala I've been working on. Missing home and you all desperately hope to see you some Tuesday soon
As winter rolls towards spring, may the clouds bring rain, may we appreciate the beautiful scenery that surrounds us, and may we always cherish our time together as carvers and friends,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
February 11th, 2020
Dear Carvers,
In addition to our usual supply of tasty goodies, today we enjoyed valentine's treats as well as delicious cakes that were lovingly made by Joyce Ross and Dot Rygh.
Dot and I both have birthdays this week: we were celebrated and serenaded by our thoughtful and enthusiastic friends in the annex. The entire morning was one happy and sugar fueled session! Thank you all for the good cheer and happy wishes! The best gift is the company we keep. (If we omit celebrating your special day it could be because we don't have that information. Feel free to share those dates with me via email or in person so I can add you to our calendar)
We are glad to have Rick back with us after a much too-long absence! He was gone from carving so long that his in-progress piece reportedly just gave up the ghost and crumbled away before he could get back to it. Time to start a new project...
Scot Instructed 12 carvers in the fine art of gourd work. He explained the procedure for safely cleaning gourds of their mold and fungus and for efficiently and safely cleaning out their interiors. Several carvers applied peel and stick patterns onto their gourds while others free-handed their designs. Next week dye and/or paints will be applied to the gourds. Please bring your heat gun if you have one (note: hair dryers will not do the trick).
In the far corner of the annex, 3 of our carvers were heartily pounding away with chisels and mallets on their projects. At other tables in the room, more carvers were quietly whittling, carving, woodburning and/or socializing. Several completed projects were on display, all so unique and awe inspiring. Marsha Goss's thank you note was shared: Bob is missed beyond words here at CCW, too.
Matt had samples of yet-to-be-painted carved patriotic figures and shapes for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum in July. A group of 10 carvers met there last Saturday and, with Matt's help, began on their own contributions to the tree. If you are interested in contributing (which is hoped that you are!), please ask Matt for a few blanks. The pieces will need to be completed in June, at the latest, for Matt to hang on the tree July 1. The more pieces we hang, the better the 9' tree will look!
Upcoming events include a pipestone carving class, a spoon carving class, the week-long Oakhurst Rendezvous, our annual show and a chain carving class, among others. Check our club's calendar at
Always appreciative and now a year older, I remain
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
February 4th, 2020
We are fortunate to be able to get together each week to share our appreciation for so many things wood and friendship related, including today's cheers for the return of a very missed dear friend, for the benevolence of St Timothy's church for providing us with a location to meet every week, for the club's officers working diligently behind the scenes, and for the creativity and woodcarving knowledge we so gladly share with each other.
We are grateful for Dick, coordinating this year's Woodcarver's Show and for letting us know that Bill Bishop is readying his duck piece to donate to the raffle. (Thanks, Bill!) We have so many experienced carvers who are willing to share their talents with others in the group by teaching a class or with individual carvers.
We are grateful, too, to the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum for our monthly sessions held there, where Matt generously and kindly lends his time and talents to eager carvers. We appreciate the generosity of time, materials, patience, gifts, edible treats, shared tools, camaraderie and enthusiasm that fills the annex and the museum at our meetings. Every participant brings much to our collective table and we appreciate each and every one!
In appreciation and thanks to St Timothy's for their generosity in allowing us to schedule weekly meetings in their annex and providing us with coffee, it was agreed to voluntarily increase the the Central Coast Woodcarver's payment to the church by $70 per quarter.
Matt Pomerico will be at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum this coming Saturday, February 8, from 1-4 p.m. Carvers are welcome to join Matt in carving stars and figures for our Christmas in July contribution to the museum's year 'round tree.
Scot and Brandy will be leading a 2 week Gourd Class, beginning February 11, in the annex. We will NOT be piercing or carving gourds in this class. We will be decorating gourds and/or gourd bowls. The focus will be as follows:
Week One's lesson (February 11) will be on designing and burning patterns into selected gourds using "stick and burn" patterns. Class participants should bring their wood burning tools, if available. Attendees of the class were able to select the gourd of their choice today. Scot will cut and clean those gourds, ready for next week's class.
Week Two (February 18) will be focused on coloring and/or dyeing the gourds with gourd dye and/or transparent acrylics. Participants are asked to bring a heat gun if they have one.(Hair Dryers don't qualify) The results are bound to be "Gourd-geous"!
Dick explained that to instruct on bird or feather carving to a group is very difficult, but he is happy and willing to instruct carvers on a 1:1 or 2:1 basis. Please talk to Dick if you are interested.
Thank you to Charlie for maintaining our website, where you can find our calendar of events, photos of projects, points of interest and more. Members who have requested and been approved by Charlie may access to our member roster and contact information and other member-only data. (Reminder: are you a member? Please pay your 2020 dues to Tom Nickelson, our treasurer, to ensure your membership.)
Today's activities in the annex included wood burning, gourd selection, flute playing, bark carving, small figure and animal carving, portrait carving, relief carving, ornament carving, project admiration, raffle give-away carving, sharing bounty from Jim and Donna's lemon tree, snacking on tasty treats, sipping cups and cups of coffee, lunching in and lunching out, catching up, getting to know one another, and spending quality time together on a Tuesday.
Thanks to Ed for sharing a photo of one of Bob Goss's "3 Minute Owls".
"Woodworking matters. It's more than a pastime or hobby- being a woodworker means that you know the satisfaction and pride that comes from using your hands and mind to build beautiful, functional objects, and that you're as interested in the process as in the outcome. Amid the speed and chaos of the modern world, woodworking gives us a place where we can slow down, pay attention, and take the time to do things right." Aime Ontario Frasier, Your First Workshop: A Practical Guide to What You Really Need, 2005
With much to cheer about,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
January 28th, 2020
Good day Carvers,
In addition to carving, today's activities in the annex for the 30 attendees included:
Remembering our friend Bob Goss with fond recollections, tributes, tears and thanks, and a donation to the Tyler Uslan Foundation in Bob's memory. Scot reminded us that "Bob let you know that the world was a kind place."
Expressing care and concern for our friend, Kristen, as she is far away from home caring for her ill parents and their pets. You are missed, Kristen!
Wishing ALL of our absent carvers a quick return to the annex and/or the Paso Robles History Museum sessions. Your friends wish you well and a safe return back to us!
Thanks to Oscar Minos, of the Fabulous Finds Thrift Shop in Morro Bay (on the corner of Morro Bay Blvd and Napa Ave) who shared many boxes of woodworking manuals, pamphlets, instructions and guides from the estate of Fred M Taylor with us today. Fabulous Finds also has, for sale, a 5' long x 30" deep bench from the Taylor estate.
Scot Lang will soon be holding outreach carving sessions with a family of homeschooled children.
Jim McLaughlin displayed the relief carvings he made at previous carving sessions and the technique by which he used green sand and molten glass to create a mold for glass tiles from those carvings. Jim's neighbor and talented glassblower/artist/CalPoly instructor, George Jercich, assisted Jim with this project. Jim will advise our group when George next has an open house. (A whimsical piece of George's is currently on display at the Morro Bay Natural History Museum) Jim also displayed a sample of a metal etching he made, likening the technique to woodburning.
Matt Pomerico has volunteered our carvers talents to add pieces to the year 'round Christmas/display tree at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum. We have been assigned to decorate the tree for the month of July 2020. We will carve pieces of a patriotic nature. Matt will provide the blanks for (so far) stars and Uncle Sam. Blanks and instruction will be given at the next carver's session there (February 8, 1-4), and handed out at upcoming Tuesday sessions.
Our annual Woodcarving Show is a mere 8 months away (September 19 & 20)!
Are you carving pieces for your own show table?
Carvers will each, hopefully, donate a good sized piece to the raffle table.
Each carver is asked to carve at least 2 small pieces as part of our raffle ticket rewards program. Ideally, we'll have 100+ pieces for those buyers of 20+ raffle tickets to choose from. (Several years ago small carvings of chickens/roosters were a big hit so blanks for these will be soon available and demonstrated at a future Saturday session in Paso Robles. "Comfort Birds" were also suggested for giveaways, so look for those blanks to become available as well) Your own carved pieces of choice are equally welcomed to the raffle table.
Show Chairman Dick Marshall is beginning to work on the fine details of the show and will soon be asking for help in various areas as needs arise. There is more than enough for all to assist with!
Our 2020 session calendar (subject to change) can be viewed under the CALENDAR section of website. These dates and activities were suggested today:
Every Tuesday in the annex of St Timothy's Church (962 Piney Way) in Morro Bay, 9a.m. - 2 p.m. Specific class instruction may be offered during those sessions. Space is always available for carvers not participating in a class, for their own individual projects.
The second Saturday of EACH month: Carving with Matt Pomerico at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum (2010 Riverside Ave) 1-4 p.m.
February 11 & 18: Gourd carving: safety precautions, carving, woodburning, painting etc. Instructors: Scot Lang, Brandy McKay & Dot Rygh
March 24 & 31: Pipestone Carving. Instructor: Dave Johnson
April 19-25: Oakhurst Rendezvous (for information:
May 12, 19 & 26: Spoon Carving: Instructors: Jerry Graybill & Kristen Bachman
June: Carvers to work on Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum tree pieces, and Show pieces
July: Carvers to work on Show pieces
August: Carvers to wok on Show pieces
September 19 & 20: WOODCARVER'S SHOW! (all hands onboard!)
October 13, 20 & 27: Chain Carving. Instructor: Scot Lang
November :TBA
December: CCW member and family Holiday party, ornament exchange and business meeting.
It's no doubt that we all have, at one time or another, taken shortcuts when it comes to safety. Please remember that the price of repairing or replacing a broken safety device, using proper techniques and equipment, staying focused and being observant of the possible risks as you work may save you from a potentially disastrous injury. Too many of us have learned a hard lesson. Keep safe, talented carvers!
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
January 14th, 2020
Greetings Carvers!
We are glad to welcome new member Sandi Twist to our group and were
happy to see some long absent members at today's carving session. We
missed those who couldn't be with us.
Today's woodburning class included 10 of our carvers and two of our
instructors. Those in the class practiced basic wood burning techniques
using skews, writers and shaders. Patterns were selected and
transferred to basswood and the projects began to take shape. Many
thanks to the instructors for their patient teaching, providing the
needed supplies, and for the well presented handouts. Samples of
Melody Mullis's woodburned pieces were on display for inspiration. Tom
Nickelson demonstrated his technique for pattern transfer on his own
piece. Dick Marshall provided an excellent visual by sharing his carved
California Valley quail, whose feathers were all painstakingly and
realistically burned into the beautiful piece. Woodburning/Pyrography
Class, second session, will again be held next Tuesday in the annex, for
those who are registered.
While the class was being held in one corner, in another corner a video
demonstration of wood carving was shown with many interested carvers
gathered around. At other tables, our talented members were carving
birds, trolls, ornaments, relief and bark carving and more. Walt Ross
displayed his beautifully crafted pens. As always, there was a counter
covered with an assortment of goodies to help keep our strength up!
It was reported that a nice sized group turned out for last Saturday's
session in Paso Robles, with Matt Pomerico instructing on carving knife
blade covers. Dave Osman shared his life-like thumb carving which fit
nicely over his knife blade. Thumbs up, Dave, on a job well done!
Stay tuned for on-going news from our sessions,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
January 7th, 2020
Happy New Year, Carvers!
We were happy to get back together with our happy, talented group today. We sorely missed those who couldn't be there with us in the annex and wish them safe travels, quick recovery and quality time spent with those who are important to them.
Dave Johnson kick-started our session today with an interesting demonstration on how to make tiny tools using carbon steel rods, a propane torch, a hammer, an anvil and a potato. Dave will gladly give 1:1 tutorials to our members at future sessions.
Upcoming dates:
On Saturday January 11, from 1-4 p.m., Matt Pomerico will instruct any interested carvers in carving a wooden knife cover (see sample photo) at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum
January 14: We will discuss and schedule our 2020 course calendar
January 14 & 21: Beginning woodburning/pyrography class from 10-2 in the annex *for those carvers who have already reserved their places in the class.
If you have not paid your $10 annual membership dues for 2020, please submit your payment to Tom Nickelson.
All carvers are encouraged to join/renew their membership in the California Carver's Guild. I have the forms if needed.
Please check in on our own website, managed and updated by Charlie Roberts, at
Feel free to let me know of items of interest for our carvers, corrections to my emails, or any other pertinent information you'd like to share.
Looking forward to what creations will come from our carvers this year,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
December 17th
Season's Greetings, Carvers,
We wound down the year with a fairly full annex, with good cheer and enough goodies to keep us full until our next 2020! There was much well wishing, Merry Christmases, Happy Holidays, hugs and HoHoHos shared among the carvers today.
There will be NO carving the next two Tuesdays. Carving sessions will resume on January 7, in St Timothy's annex.
The next carving date at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum is Saturday, January 11. 1-4 p.m. Matt Pomerico will instruct on carving knife blade covers.
Basic wood burning techniques will be taught (to those who sign up) on January 17 & 24. Instructors are Dot Rygh, Tom Nickelson and Melody Mullis. (see sample photo of wood burning)
Beginning in January, Dave Johnson will teach 1:1 classes on making tools out of drill rods. He will provide the materials needed. Check in with Dave if you're interested.
On March 24 & 31, Dave Johnson will also teach a Pipestone Carving class. The carvers will need to bring supplies including coarse files, a hacksaw blade, a "junk" knife - one that you don't mind taking abuse , and coarse sandpaper (50/100/200 grit). Stay tuned for more information as the dates near.
Roy Case notified us that Daniel's Wood Land, Inc. is looking to hire a woodcarver, $20-$35/hour plus benefits. They are located at 3075 Limestone Way, Paso Robles. 805-239-2832 According to their website they " design, fabricate and install innovative experiences for clients all over the world. Our products include themed cabins and tree houses, shooting galleries, interactive props, themed sets & environments, animatronic characters, playgrounds, and chainsaw carvings." You may have seen the company on their own TV show a few years ago.
Susan Tittle sent me this email: "Please let everyone at the club (know) that 'I wish them and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.' Again you all were an incredible blessing to both my mom (Rose) and pop (Robert Otto). Health and happiness to you all!"
Thanks to Tom Bundy for bringing in wood to share today.
Please pay your 2020 membership dues to Tom Nickelson.
Thanks, and cheers, to each and every one of you from your 2019/2020 officers,
Scot Lang, President
Tom Nickelson, Treasurer
Laurie Wright, Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers
Chapter 7 of the California Carver's Guild
See you next year!
December 10th
It was a smaller than usual group in the annex today, but a productive one! Ornaments, figures, bark and pumpkin pie (for those who just haven't had enough in the past few weeks) were carved. Woodburning and chiseling also took place. We missed those of you who were otherwise occupied.
Dot Rygh brought in a scrapbook of our club's activities during its earliest days: so very interesting! Charlie will be adding items of historical interest to the website in the near future.
Melody Mullis shared her photo album of completed pieces throughout the years. Do you photograph your pieces and save copies? A great idea!!!
Dick Marshall shared a flier from Moore Wood and Roughouts. See attached photo for ordering information. Dick has been happy with their products, especially with a piece they didn't have in stock but roughed out especially for him, and it arrived only 3 days after ordering!
Happy Birthday wishes going out to Ginny Lawliss and to Susie Bishop who celebrate(d) another turn around the sun this week!
There WILL be carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum with Matt Pomerico this next Saturday, December 14, 1-4 p.m. See the attached photo for a preview of this month's project.
Next week's Tuesday session, December 17, will be our last carving session of 2019:-( There will be no carving sessions on December 24 or 31. We'll meet again on January 7, 2020 in the annex:-).
Matt Pomerico will hold 2020's first carving session at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum, 1-4 p.m., on January 11.
On January 14 and 21, Dot Rygh, Melody Mullis and Tom Nickelson will teach a BEGINNER'S-ONLY WOODBURNING/PYROGRAPHY class, in the annex, from 10a.m. - 2p.m. The club will provide the wood. If you have your own woodburner, please bring it to class. If you don't have a woodburner, you will be loaned one. All participants must sign up on the sheet which will be posted in the annex (or let me know via text or email) , and indicate if you do or do not have a woodburner to use during the class.
If you haven't met the friendly and talented carvers in the attached photos please be sure to introduce yourselves at a future session and get to know them.
Thank you for welcoming me into your Inbox so often,
Laurie Wright, 2019/202 Secretary
December 3rd
Hello Carvers,
Here is a summary of our General Meeting:
Election of 2020 Club Officers: Ray Johnson kindly led a round of applause for 2019 officers. Dave Dignam made a motion to re-elect the current 2019 club officers for office in 2020. The ayes from members approved the recommendation. Your 2020 club Officers are:
Scot Lang, President,
Tom Nickelson, Treasurer
Laurie Wright, Secretary
Annual Dues: your $10 annual dues for 2020 are now being collected by Tom Nickelson, payable at your next carving session or mailed to Tom at 75 Alydar Place, Paso Robles, CA 93446. (If you joined our club after this past September's Woodworking Show your payment is good through 2020) If you are a Life Member, you are exempt.
California Carver's Guild Membership: All Central Coast Woodcarvers are encouraged to join this guild that allows our chapter to exist. In addition to providing our club with insurance, they also offer juried shows, instructional programs, the annual week-long carving event in Oakhurst CA, and information about other clubs and their events. You may peruse their site at for information and/or to obtain a membership or renewal form (or get a copy from me). The annual dues are $25 per person or $40 for a family membership. We were informed by Scot that our club/Chapter 7 has the highest number of paid members (68) among all of the California Carver's Guild Chapters!
Suggested 2020 carvers classes/events:
Gourd carving with Dot, Scot & Brandy
Spoon Carving with Jerry
Helpful carving tips with Kristen and others
Pipestone Carving with Dave Johnson
Face Carving. Dave pointed out that face carving is a great challenge to teach to more than one person at a time. Starting to carve faces in clay first was recommended.
Pyrography/woodburning with Dot, Melody and Tom N
Scot proposed inviting a carving judge to explain the judging process for carved pieces. What they look at in judging pieces (approximately 25 different aspects) can be educational for the carver in his/her future work.
Carving Camp Retreat: Dave Johnson's son runs a Christian camp in Heartland, outside of Visalia, at 4000 feet elevation. The camp has facilities available from bare bones camping, to dorms, cabins, hotel type rooms and RV parking as well as kitchen facilities and kitchen staff. There is a small fishing pond on the property, and enclosed rooms for classes. Dave asked if members would be interested in attending a weekend carving retreat next year. Dave's wife, Laura, could also organize a quilters weekend at the same time and location, if there is interest. Dave will research the cost of such an event and will get back to us with more information, as several members indicated an interest.
Carver's tool/ supply/product swap meet or sale.
Christmas in July: On behalf of our club, Matt has accepted an invitation by the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum to decorate the museum's year-round tree for the month of July 2020. Matt will provide the wood for our members to carve patriotic pieces for the tree. Please let Matt know if you're interested in carving for the tree so he can prrovide adequate supplies and instruction.
If a non-member of the club is interested in taking a class, they will be asked to pay $10 for the class, which will then give them member status for the following year. They must also sign our club's waiver/indemnity form.
Our chapter voted to allow persons 18 and over to join our club sessions, with several of our carvers volunteering to mentor interested youngsters <18 years of age in the art of carving in private sessions.
Our fees paid to St Timothy's Church for use of the annex ($350/quarter) and provision of coffee ($30)were reviewed. In 2019 our chapter donated $200 to the church's youth program. Dave Dignam suggested that a donation of $300 be paid this year to the church, with our members approving. We appreciate the church allowing us to book the annex every week.
St Timothy's church will soon (very soon? maybe next week? I will hopefully be given a date on Monday) be having a sale to benefit their Women's Guild. Several of our carvers donated pieces for their 2018 sale. Please consider donating something for them to sell this year. Your pieces may be dropped of at the church office, next to the annex.
Suggestions were made about advertising for our club sessions (Tuesdays in Morro Bay and monthly in Paso Robles), such as advertising in the local weekly paper, and posting fliers. Dick will order more business cards for our members to hand out or post.
Kudos to Dick Marshall for chairing a fantastic Woodcarver's Show in 2019! Dick will again chair the show for 2020 but will be asking for more help. Suggestion: please volunteer to help without him having to ask!
There WILL be carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum on Saturday, January 11, 1-4 p.m., with Matt Pomerico. The 10 of us who attended this month's session there had great fun!
We continue to keep Bob Goss in our thoughts, and are sending wishes for quick healing to Rich and Marilyn.
Don't forget to look us up at . Thanks, Charlie Roberts, for continuing to update our information and maintaining the site! If you're a new CCW member and haven't asked Charlie to be approved to access the Member ONLY portion of the website, please do so at or in person at our sessions.
Please remember to notify me of any changes to your contact information so you don't miss out on the latest news from our chapter. If you feel like you're missing updates, do check your spam or junk folders, and if not finding emails there, let me know.