Club Business News
Winter 2020 - 2021
Members there is more in depth news in the member area.
February 23rd
The year is flying by, Carvers!
Fourteen of us joined in on February twenty-third’s MEET session. We chatted for a brief 40 minutes.
Kristen Bachman and Dave Dignam submitted photos for this week’s viewing pleasure. (see attached) Kristen said that “carving the little girl was a breeze. The little boy was more of a challenge, but I did it.” Dave’s piece is 18” tall, the hat is 12” in diameter, all carved from one piece of wood. Dave and his merry group of garage carvers sent their “hello”s to those of us on-line.
Scot Lang described the challenges he’s had in putting together a video presentation of heart chain carving, which is still in progress. As March is just around the corner, Scot suggested that we might focus on carving something St Patrick’s Day related.
Scot also relayed that it is close to gourd planting time. Garden soil should be amended with baked and crushed eggshells and barbeque ashes. Seeds can be started germinating in a moistened paper towel and places in an unsealed plastic baggie. Keep the paper towel moist until planting in the ground in March.
Gary Hensley is enjoying the Oregon Carvers Guild Woodspirit class. He reports that the project is “interesting and fun”. Gary initiated the first of the Channel Island’s Carvers on-line virtual sessions last week.
Jim Cady has completed his “dancing man”, made from spare wood in his carving box. It was a fun project, he says, though it took “hours and hours’ to complete.
Breck Smith continues to quilt. He has made 30 quilts so far. He also has been spinning wool (on a drop spindle) from wool that came from an old mattress.
Larry Wade is seeing some sunshine after Portland’s “3-day Winter.” Larry is looking for a pattern for a comfort cat or comfort bunny, to possibly carve out of air-dried plum wood. (any suggestions?) He reminded us to check in with the Oregon carvers Guild calendar for upcoming free presentations, including a soon-to-be-presented conversation with the ChipChat editor.
As February rolls quickly into March, may you all stay healthy, keep carving and keep hopeful that we will be able to gather once again before too much of 2021 passes by,
Laurie Wright, 2021 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild
February 16th
Greetings, Carvers!
Scot Lang wasn’t able to attend this week’s meeting but the 15 of us who joined in on our on-line MEET session kept the conversational flow going.
Happy birthday wishes were extended to Al Plasch
We wish Jerry and Pat a steady recovery!
Rick Elisarraras passed away on February 12th. A graveside service will be held on March 6 at 11 a.m. at the Santa Margarita Cemetery. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Shelley and her family.
Charlie Roberts has enabled me to post the results of the CCW survey he initiated last month. The details reported a few weeks ago were varied and interesting. (attached)
Scot Lang continues to fine tune his heart chain presentation. As video presentations take a great deal of online space and editing, a suggestion was made by Larry Wade to “audio annotate” photos of a project. Charlie Roberts will work with Scot and future presenters to best present their projects.
Dot Rygh showed us her amazing gourd piece which is still in progress.(photo) She has incorporated a leather look to the gourd via pyrography, woven the gourd with pine needles, and has overcome the challenge of inserting a separate piece of gourd into the piece. She reports that Pat Rygh has progressed to painting his carved gyrfalcon and is looking forward to soon hosting a “how many feathers are on the gyrfalcon” contest for our CCW carvers.
Tom Nickelson is close to the last stage of his trout carving: will soon affix the eyes and figure out the mounting of the piece. He may mount the piece on a leftover piece of juniper from Cook Woods which he was using for his beaver head project. Unable to find DEFT to finish his trout with, Tom will use Minwax semigloss. (Marsha Goss reported that she was able to find DEFT on Amazon). Tom described his often used process to mount pieces, using a technique he learned from Dick Marshall: he uses small diameter brass tubes, found at the hardware store: he often inserts the smallest diameter tube into his carved piece, which then slides into a larger diameter tube which has been inserted into the mounting piece, to hold the carved piece in place, but is also then removable. This allows for easy disassemble and for safer packaging for transport.
Jim Cady was working on carving a “puppet” (or “marionette” or “dancing man” as suggested by others). The arms and legs are yet to be affixed. Once completed the string suspended piece will be able to “dance” atop a flexible wooded board.
Kristen Bachman is in the process of carving some commissioned pieces: her customer’s chef hatted grandchildren. She has also sold some Grateful Dead inspired pieces to this customer and to others via her Facebook site.
Al Plasch expressed his appreciation for the Max Sutter classes, taken through the Oregon Carver’s Guild. Al showed us a few of his projects including chair spindles, and a relief carving which required use of a backbent tool (2.5 bend/6mmwidth) to shape the small holes in the project (photo)
Tom Bundy is relief carving a female face, using a model off of the internet. (photo) He also showed us his relief carving of a rose.
Charlie Roberts is working on boxes and frames. He uses graphite paper to transfer patterns to the boxes, which he makes himself, and freehands patterns onto frames. He showed us a sturdy magnetic closing box, which he made.
Marsha Goss has been chip carving (photo), using wood that she has on hand. In addition to carving she has been quilting and crafting.
Larry Wade has handcarved at least 25 boxes. He belongs to several groups: one group’s project included a “Mothers’Day Challenge” where carvers carved one piece for themselves and an identical one for their mother(s). The Guild of Oregon Woodworkers, which mainly makes furniture and shaped boxes, builds pieces to sell which pays for the overhead of their workspace.
Melody Mullis expects that the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum (2010 Riverside Drive, Paso Robles) will be opening March 1st on weekends, and possibly on Fridays. Melody and her dedicated group of volunteers have put together a detailed and interesting collection of historical items. For example, the museum holds the largest collection of barbed wire in California and soon expects to put together the largest collection of fencing tools. There will be an updated branding tool exhibit and a woodcarving collection from the former Henry Sawyer exhibit in San Simeon. You are encouraged to visit this amazing space when you get a chance. We hope that monthly carving classes can one day resume there, as formerly scheduled and led by greatly missed Matt Pomerico.
Carol Dwyer has been carving “little things”.
This week may you all keep in mind our friends who are recovering, who are grieving, who are affected by winter weather’s wrath. And may we all be thankful for our wide circle of carving friends who enrich our lives so kindly and creatively.
Laurie Wright, 2021 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild
February 9th
Happy February, Carvers!
Fifteen carvers met for a 55 minute MEET session today.
COVID was at the forefront of our discussion. Our thoughts continue to be with the Graybills as they recover.
Scot Lang continues to work on his presentation for a heart chain class. He described some of the process to the group. Gary Hensley shared his heart-to-heart piece and the process he used to carve it. Various tools have been used by carvers when carving chains including (but not limited to): routers, tablesaws, bandsaws, joiners, clamps , knives, gouges and v tools.
Melody Mullis continues to carve her life-sized wolf. On this piece, in particular, she carved one side of the face freehand, without an applied pattern, then proceeded to carve the opposing side, and returned back and forth to carve as needed.
Joe Peery has completed the eagle-head for his patriotic cane, which will be decorated in red ,white and blue colors. Carving the starts into the cane is Joe’s next challenge with the piece. Joe used 2 halves of a marble for the eagle’s eyes, which he epoxied in place. Joe finished carving cowboy “Slim.” Joe reports that he routinely carves 7 days a week, 6-7 hours each day.
Dot Rygh has been working on her bufflehead duck and elephant calf. She showed us the Shina samples that she woodburned patterns into. She was hesitant to burn too deeply into the Shina piece as she would hit the underlayer of glue. She appreciated trying to woodburn on the material, but will return to woodburning on her wood of choice which is basswood.
A discussion of pattern transfer ensued. Several methods were suggested:
For transferring patterns to a flat piece of wood Dot Rygh takes a design to a local printer who copies the pattern for Dot to iron onto her piece of wood using a medium setting on the iron.
Dot and Melody both recommended using graphite paper, NOT carbon paper, for pattern transfers, as graphite is eraseable. This is good to use for applying to curved or irregular surfaces.
An application of a thin layer of lacquer thinner followed by placement of a pattern onto wood, then smoothed out before woodburning is known but not tried by today’s attendees.
Joe Peery often uses Press & seal, but reminds us to burn sequentially up, down or across as the materiel tends to peel quickly and can distort the pattern.
Larry Wade recommends ink-jet transfer, and can recommend studio wax transfer paper for pattern transfer.
Larry reviewed the upcoming free classes being offered through the Oregon Carvers Guild (2nd Tuesday of each month) including the Wild World of Birdcarving presentation tonight. Registration for classes is required. Note that the Soap carving Class has been cancelled. The ChipChat president will hold a forum to gather input from carvers nationwide for future projects.
Dot and I will both enjoy our birthdays this week, thankful for the memories, friendships, experiences and opportunities we’ve been gifted along the way.
Happy Valentines Day to all. Stay safe, keep warm, keep carving and keep in touch!
Laurie Wright, 2021 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California carver’s Guild
Groundhog Day
February 2nd
Happy Groundhog Day, Carvers! Apparently 6 more weeks of winter has been predicted.
Seventeen of us checked in today on our MEET session.
We spoke of vaccines (see photos mailed to the CCW from SLO County ). In our discussion today it was suggested not to use Tyelnol or Aleve just before getting the COVID vaccine as it is suspected in decreasing the effectiveness of the vaccine. Some research indicates that taking anti-inflammatories AFTER receiving the vaccine will not reduce the vaccine’s effectiveness, however. (Consult your medical professional to help you decide) A number of today’s MEET attendees have received their first doses.
We reviewed our last week’s storm experiences (Update from our carvers in Cambria: they fared the storm(s) without hazards to self and property. They did receive 13+ “of rain and are cleaning up great deal of tree debris. Ed Zirbel will see how acacia wood, from a neighbor’s downed tree, will carve.) Breck Smith reports that the beach in Cayucos has a great supply of driftwood now scattering the beach and the mouth of the creek
Carol Dwyer has carved a cottonwood bark cabin, using a brown paper bag to polish the piece which has brought out beautiful colors within the wood.
Dot Rygh woodburned patterns onto the samples of wood sent from McLain’s Printmaking Supplies in Oregon, wearing a mask and utilizing the Rygh’s venting system while doing so. She stated that she prefers woodburning on basswood rather than the more expensive plywood obtainable from McLain’s. Dot & Pat have been enjoying their canoe lately, during the balmy post-storm weather. Surprisingly, they have seen many less shorebirds than usual.
Tom Nickelson continues to work on his trout piece. He has thinned and shaped the fins, which he does last due to their fragility. He used pieces of a pattern to lay alongside the fish’s head, and using a pushpin, punched through the pattern onto the wood. He used the same pattern piece for the opposite side of the head. If Tom were submitting this piece for competition the eyes would need to be carved, but in this instance Tom is using 12mm glass eyes from Tohickon for the piece. (Fact: Tom keeps the frozen head of a hatchery fish in his freezer to use as reference for carving fish. He also has a large collection of reference pictures. During his career, Tom would handle hundreds of fish a day but it has been quite awhile since he’s had that opportunity. On another note: Tom does have a beaver skull, which he uses for reference in carving, such as with the OSU beaver head that he recently completed.)
Jim Cady is getting an early start on Christmas projects, finishing a carved Santa Claus, with “demon eyes”(red Swarovski crystals) says Donna Cady.
Melody Mullis was sitting next to her carved and upright full-sized wolf. She will continue to work on both sides of the face.
Laurie Wright has been using both her Colwood and Walnut Hollow woodburners on small flat wood pieces obtained from Michael’s and from the DollarStore. In her experience Walnut Hollow’s burner takes longer to heat to desired temperature and requires pliers to install and remove the threaded tips. Colwood is her preferred burner, but she does find it handy to have both burners available while working on a project. Joe Peery keeps a Colwood Cub burner in his RV and has taken it to various carving sessions throughout the state. He also uses Optima brand wood burners and power tools.
Al Plasch showed us his Max Sutter relief carving and was complimented on the nice contrast and detail he’s achieved with this piece.
Gary Hensley and Joe Peery recommended the Klingspor MacMop sanding attachments, easily affixed to a portable drill, for finishing pieces.
Joe Peery has been carving “Slim” the cowboy. He bought a steak knife kit ($36 for 6 knife blades at Woodcraft) The scales do not come with the kits and must be made by the carver. Joe made a fence for his JET bandsaw* and cut ¼” scales. He carved the handles from zebrawood and attached them using a rivet. They wood was sanded and polished. (*Al Plasch mentioned that JET machinery is made in Taiwan, as opposed to China. Scot Lang uses a JET lathe)
From Larry Wade regarding Oregon Carver’s Guild monthly newsletter and upcoming classes:
You can read it (the newsletter) online by clicking here . If you spot any errors or have any suggestions for future issues, please let me know.
The summary of upcoming programs and classes follows:
Feb 4, Thurs, 7:00 - Demo on carving a wood spirit with Terry Burnside, click here
Feb 6, Sat, 9:00 am - Discuss sharpening and re-making carving tools with blacksmith George Blackman of Redmond, click here
Feb 9th, Tues, 7:00 - The Wide World of Bird Carving with Don Baiar of Vancouver, click here
Feb 18 & 25, Thurs, 7:00, Class on carving a wood spirit with Terry Burnside, click here
Feb 27, Sat, 10:30 AM - Conversations with national Chip Chats Magazine president, Tim Crawford, click here
Mar 1, Mon, 1:00, Start of five week relief carving workshop with Larry Wade, click here
Mar 9, Tues 7:00, - The World of Soap Carving with author Janet Bolyard of Mesa, AZ click here
Apr 13, Tues 7:00 - Power Carving Tools 101 with Roger Crooks and a panel, click here
Wishing you all a lovely, safe, healthy and creative week, Carvers,
Laurie Wright, 2021 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild
January 25th
Hello Carvers!
Seventeen of us participated in today’s MEET session, whether directly or in the background, including Joe and Kathey Peery, active with the CCG. These sessions have been informative, enjoyable, and a great social boost for many.
We anticipate continuing with virtual sessions even after the COVID restrictions for in-person gathering have been lifted.
Though San Luis Obispo’s stay-at-home-orders have been eased and we have moved from the Red tier into the Purple tier, we are still unable to meet as a formal in-person group. Scot Lang voiced optimism that we may be able to congregate after April or May, anticipating a good response from vaccines and continued safety precautions. For local (San Luis Obispo County) COVID information:
Thank you to Scot Lang, Brandy McKay and Dot Rygh for their presentation last week on A Beginner’s Guide to Gourds. Scot will continue to work on the powerpoint aspect of the presentation which will be added to our website. The presentation itself was not recorded for future viewing. 17 participants learned quite a bit about gourds. A future presentation will focus on the process of decorating dried gourds.
UPCOMING VIRTUAL CLASSES/INSTRUCTION/DEMONSTRATIONS (per Larry Wade via the Oregon carver’s Guild): for information on all courses and to register:
February 6th, a Saturday, 9-10:30 a.m.: George Blackman, a carver & sculptor more recently focused on metal forging and blacksmithing will discuss making your own tools and sharpening tools.
In February, Don Bayer will present a program “The Wide World of Bird Carving”
In March, Soap Carving will be presented.
In April an Introduction to Rotary Cutting Tools 101: a panel discussion with experienced rotary carvers.
In May: Two 90 minute sessions of “Finishing 101: Acrylics and Oils” by Jeff Harness
A 5 week rotating class of Max Sutter’s relief carving is facilitated by Larry Wade.
FUTURE CLASS SUGGESTIONS from today’s session: making a knife from a pair of scissors, bandsaw blade adjustment and safety.
January 19th
Greetings, Carvers!
20 enthusiastic carvers joined in on our MEET session today, including Marty Lawrence from the Oregon Carver’s Guild.
The first order of business was a reminder for participants in MEET sessions to MUTE their microphones except when intentionally speaking to the group or to an individual within the session. Today’s meeting was much improved with less interruption by household sounds and technological interference.
Charlie Roberts will be sending out the link to connect to Thursday’s (January 21) “Home Grown Guide To Gourding” discussion. We will MEET at 3 p.m. for a beginner’s primer on gourds. In addition to any of our CCW friends and members who wish to log on, we anticipate welcoming nearly a dozen viewers/participants from the Oregon carver’s Guild and elsewhere. Thanks to Scot Lang, Dot Rygh and Brandy McKay, in advance, for sharing their experience and expertise regarding gourds.
Charlie Roberts reviewed the results of the CCW member survey. The collected data was quite interesting and informative and pointed us in the right direction for future classes and topics. An educational calendar for 2021 will soon be developed based on the interests expressed in the survey. Charlie will email the compiled results of the survey to our members.
Scot Lang is working on a presentation and project for February: linked hearts which will be approximately 3 “ long and 1
½”x 1 ½”.
REVIEW OF UPCOMING CLASSES OF INTEREST (provided by Larry Wade) both from the CCW and the Oregon Carver’s Guild:
“Jan 21st, Thursday, 3:00 PM, free, on Google Meet, not Zoom. Gourd Carving Overview. This may sound weird but it is a quite fascinating topic. This program is a one hour overview by three experienced carvers and members of Central Coast Woodcarvers near Morro Bay. I joined this group several months ago and attend each of their weekly hour long get togethers. Gourds can be carved, burned with pyrography, painted, ornamented and turned into beautiful art or functional objects. Come learn……..This Google Meet link will be sent a day or two before the program.
Jan 23rd, Saturday, 9:00 AM, Zoom, free. Leroy Setziol - Post-Program Discussion. This will be an opportunity for a small group discussion following the program we did on Jan 12th. We will explore his design concepts, look at more examples, and consider whether there is any interest in experimenting. Click here to register to get the link.
Jan 25th, free, Mondays at 1:00 for five weeks, a repeat of the Mack Sutter Relief Carving workshop, click here to register but don't wait too long because you need to pick up materials and figure out tools. The workshop is free but materials cost $8, with some possibility of loaner tools. It is led by Larry Wade, using three of the projects created by and taught by Mack Sutter for 40 years.
Feb 4th, Thursday, 7:00 PM, free, Demonstration, Carving a Wood Spirit by Terry Burnside, click here to register. This is a one hour demo as a prelude to a two session class scheduled for Feb 18th and 25th. The demo is a chance to see if you are interested. The class itself might be a prelude to more wood spirit carving, such as with canes or greenmen. Click here to register for the class, which is free but a few tools are required.
Feb 9th, Tuesday 7:00 PM, free, The Wide World of Bird Carving, presented by Don Baiar, free, click here to register. Don has been carving birds for 40 years and teaching for most of that time. He is a local treasure. This will be an overview of the world of bird carving from a local, regional and national perspective, include a tour of his teaching studio near Vancouver, show examples, discuss tools and getting started and provide a context for the significant Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show at the end of August (hopefully). In the future we hope to have other presentations on carving mammals, fish and humans.
March 9th, Tuesday, 7:00 PM, free, Soap Carving with Janet Bolyard, Click here to register. I know, I know, this may sound like a lame topic to some but give it a try. The speaker lives in Mesa, AZ, wrote an excellent book and will cover serious carving aspects as well as for kid carvers. For some, carving soap is a way to engage our children and grandchildren. For others, it is a way to model our own carvings and create fun activities for family and friends without the risk of sharp metal weapons.” Larry Wade
January 12th
The year is rolling on, Carvers,
Seventeen of us logged on today for our weekly CCW Meet session.
At our next meeting, January 19, Charlie Roberts will summarize the results of the CCW survey he sent out last month.
Keep your eyes out for an email from Charlie Roberts about the virtual “Gourding” discussion, to be held on Thursday, January 21 at 3 p.m. via Google MEET. This is not intended to be a workshop but will be a” conversation” for beginning gourd carvers and other interested carvers. Dot Rygh, Scot Lang & Brandy McKay will present an hour long session, divided into three 15 minute periods followed by opportunities for questions and answers. Topics will include, but are not limited to: growing & preparing gourds for carving & design, safety precautions to take with gourds, cutting, designing, carving and burning patterns. The power points and discussion will be posted at a later date on our CCW website.
The 2021 Oakhurst Rendezvous has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for 2022.
Thanks were sent to the CCW from the assistant scoutmaster of a boyscout troop who was appreciative of the resources provided on our CCW website for the boys who are working on their woodworking merit badges. They included an additional online resource to add to our list.
Thank you to those who have submitted your $10 2021 dues. Our 2021 membership currently stands at 31 members.
National Fishcarver’s Guild, in Bend, Oregon: (suggested by Larry Wade) (suggested by Boyscout Sean)
January 5th,
Welcome to 2021, Carvers!
Seventeen of us logged on yesterday for our weekly MEET session. How nice to see the Pattersons, (appreciating the daylight hours and warmer climes), as well as our more regularly devoted attendees.
Scot Lang has 2”x 2” basswood available for members of our chapter.
2021 CCW dues have been paid by approximately 50% of our members so far. If you have yet to send yours in please submit your $10 for 2021 to P.O. Box 743 Morro Bay, CA 93443
It was emphasized by Larry Wade how valuable it would be to proceed with a Gourd Class. Dot Rygh & Scot Lang, with Charlie Roberts, are working on plans for that series, perhaps dedicating each session to a specific area related to gourds: sourcing, growing, cleaning, designing, carving, pine needle weaving, varnishing, etc. It is important that the instructors be able to present without interruption from participants during the presentation itself, but a question and answer period would be added at the end of each session.
Larry Wade also suggested a recorded interview session with our individual carvers, seconded by Dave Johnson who emphasized the importance of passing down history and processes as demonstrated by the Foxfire series of books and the personal interviews of Hometown Heroes (Saturdays 2-3 p.m. KVEC 920 AM), for example. Keeping traditions and stories alive for the current and future generations is so very valuable.
Have you received the latest edition of the CCG LOG? Gary Eaves put together a very nice edition, including a portion focused on the Central Coast Woodcarvers. It is encouraging to see input from other chapters, which indicates that more and more are finding ways to stay active and connected in these challenging days. You are encouraged to join the California Carvers Guild (
Oregon Carvers Guild FREE on-line classes can be found at Upcoming classes include: Max Sutter Relief Carving, The Wild World of Bird Carving, Wood Spirit Carving, and Soap Carving. Registration is required.
Vickie Hopson informed us of the passing of Pat Metz, of the Northern RV Carvers chapter. A condolence card from the CCW will be sent to her husband, Leroy.
RESOURCES/REFERENCES: for woodburning supplies, wood slabs and rounds
Caricature Carvers of America
We hope to see more of you in the weeks to come. We are getting the hang of this new technology and are still hoping to get together in person before too long, maybe as soon as June, speculates our president, Scot Lang.
Scot Lang sent us on our way with Lester Holt’s signature sign off, on NBC Nightly News: “Take care of yourself and each other”.
Laurie Wright, 2021 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild
December 29th
The end to 2020 is in sight, Carvers!
Dick Marshall reports that, optimistically, plans for the Central Coast Woodcarver’s Show, to be held September 18 & 19, 2021, in Cambria, are in the making.
Twenty-eight carvers have sent in their 2021 CCW dues. Our mailbox still has room for more! (P.O. Box 743 Morro Bay, CA 93443)
It is anticipated that even after we are allowed to convene at St Timothy’s annex we will continue to have MEET sessions on-line, and/or during our in-person carving sessions. This format has proven to be an effective way to include and connect those who are far flung from the local area.
A suggested class: Dot Rygh to teach the application of faux leather appearance on gourds.
And another gourd related class/series suggested to be demonstrated/taught by Dot Rygh, Scot Lang and/or Brandy McKay: Gourds A-Z, including growing, drying, cleaning, decorating, finishing. Perhaps ready for an April or May 2021 presentation to CCW and Oregon Carvers Guild (and others?)
It has been suggested that we add a photo of each CCW carver to the members-only roster for better recognition and familiarity by our carvers. If you give permission for your photo to be incorporated please a) send me a photo of choice or b) suggest that I take one of you from our archives to include.
Please note the reconfiguration of our website. Our complete newsletters will now be found in our member-only area. Submitted photos will be included in the Gallery. Due to the low number of member submissions, the member profile section has been removed. You may send suggestions or comments about the website to
Recommended resources:
For basswood (locally): Aura Hardwood 2216 Beebee Street, San Luis Obispo (note: must purchase an entire plank, pieces will not be custom cut) (in Fallbrook, CA) (supplies, classes, farm visits, etc) (in Pinal County/Casa Grande, AZ)(supplies, classes, farm visits, etc) (products, history, classes, competitions, shows, etc)
oergoncarversguild .org (resources, free tutorials/workshops/demonstrations, etc) Note the 2nd Tuesday of each month presentation, usually followed by a “playshop”. Workshops and presentations are listed on the site.
BANDAIDS: Costco has big boxes of them available. Hopefully our carvers won’t need them! It was mentioned “if a knife is sharp a cut doesn’t hurt as much and the wound heals faster.” DO incorporate your best safety practices, carvers!
The mention of the Deft product led to a discussion: Because of the high VOC (volatile organic compounds) of the product, it is not available in some metropolitan areas, depending on air quality measures in place. Al Plasch reported that Woodcraft. In Ventura, stopped selling Deft several years ago. (Buckeye is the only wood he used Deft on) Deft can be found locally, in San Luis Obispo County. Krylon or Rustoleum make a comparable product. Michael’s, too, has an archival spray varnish, reports Scot Lang, which is quick drying. Dot Rygh sprays her woodburned pieces with Deft.
SOAPCARVING: It was agreed that soapcarving is a good introduction to woodcarving, especially for children. Our carvers expressed the following: Knives are inherently too dangerous for youngsters to use! These implements were instead suggested: dowels cut into scoops, rosewood “knives” skewed and/or beveled, popsicle sticks, filed down pieces of aluminum. Children younger than 5th grade level should be taught carving 1:1, with reasonable results of that age group expected. Encouraging and teaching the next generations to carve is so very important, incorporating safety practices and patient instruction, but the question is ; how to best do this?
The type of soap that should be used was questioned, as some is too hard, some too soft, and some inconsistent throughout the bar. Larry Wade noted that instructions for soapmaking are included in the Janet Bolyard book. A soapmaking class is scheduled via the Oregon carver’s Guild site. (Larry will be making some soap in sheets to use as a substitute for modeling clay)
MOUTH ATOMIZER, as seen in the Comfort Animal book: Larry Wade would like feedback from any of our carvers who have used this technique. The product can be found on Amazon for $12-$15, but before purchasing, first hand experienced information would be appreciated.
From our CCW President Scot Lang: "The new year is upon us, everybody! Stay safe and don't succumb to quarantine fatigue. Happy New Year!"
From all of us at CCW, thank you for supporting and encouraging each other, for continuing to carve and sharing your pieces, for being willing to do what it takes to keep yourself and others healthy, for utilizing new techniques and technology to in touch, for reaching out and for staying in. We've thankfully just about made it through 2020! We shall meet again in the better days ahead.
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver's Guild
December 22nd
Happy Holiday wishes to all of our CCW carvers!
15 cheerful workshop elves joined in on yesterday’s 45 minute MEET session.
Google MEET etiquette: Charlie Roberts reminded us to “mute” ourselves during the sessions unless we are intentionally speaking. Without utilizing the “mute” feature, our sessions can be interrupted by ambient noise such as radios that are on, phones ringing, background conversations, and dogs barking, for example. Some attendees have set their sessions to highlight those who are speaking, which can be mimicked by extraneous noises, which can be distracting.
In lieu of my taking photos during our MEET sessions I encourage those of you who would like to share your pieces to send me a photo of them (with descriptions if applicable) and I will post those in the newsletter.
Scot, Charlie and I met via MEET to discuss formats, equipment and video editing for future CCW workshop sessions. Stay tuned.
A reminder: the CCW knife sharpener is currently in the Wright’s workshop. If needed, please contact one of us.
Thanks to the many who have sent in their 2021 dues to the CCW. Dues and pertinent mail may be sent to the Central Coast Woodcarvers P.O. Box 743 Morro Bay, CA 93443
December 15th
Hello Carvers!
21 of us gathered for today’s chat on Google MEET. What an uplifting hour-long session we had: all the more reason to join in as often as you can! As our President, Scot Lang, said “we all benefit from the nourishment of our weekly meetings, and a silver lining from including others from outside of our local area has allowed us to gain new wisdom and talent”.
We will continue to meet weekly via Google MEET through the rest of the year, and likely far into 2021. If you don’t receive an invite for each meeting from our webmaster Charlie Roberts, search for it in your spam or junk folder, or, failing success with that, contact Charlie at
Thanks to the many who have already sent your 2021 chapter dues to our mailbox: P.O. Box 743 Morro Bay CA 93443. We appreciate the dues being sent ASAP!
Charlie Roberts has emailed a survey for our members to completed and return, on-line. Again, if you haven’t seen it in your in-box, do search for it in your Junk or Spam folders. If you have already completed the survey there is no need to do so again. Please submit the survey by December 29, 2020. Charlie reviewed both the form and the current results (from 16 members) with us at today’s session. This will be of great benefit when planning future classes. One of the first classes offered may be a tutorial on how to virtually present a class.
CCW has a new member: Gary Hensley, AKA “Waldo”. Gary is the President of both the Channel Islands Carvers and the California Carver’s Guild. Gary had a long career in fire sprinkler design and has had a life-long interest in woodcarving. He was once put off by a disappointing experience in a particular carver’s group but his enthusiasm was renewed after joining the very welcoming and inclusive Channel Islands Carvers chapter. Gary has since become a very involved and enthusiastic member of now 2 chapters and our parent Guild. WELCOME, Gary!
Gary Hensley reports that all California Carvers Guild chapters are in the same boat as far as meeting. 4 or 5 clubs (and perhaps a few more) have been meeting virtually. (Vickie Hopson reported that the Motherload Carvers are working on setting up virtual meetings) Gary has been informed that plans for a 2021 Oakhurst Rendezvous are being made, though it may have to be again postponed. The mission of the CCG was reiterated: to teach and promote woodcarving. Gary sent a video of a creative orange peel carving which may appear on our website, if credit can be given to the original artist.
Carvers gave thanks to the U.S. postal workers and the job they are doing getting mail and packages delivered in this especially challenging time. Many of today’s participants expressed how happy they were to already have received their exchanged ornaments!
When showing your pieces during our MEET sessions, please consider holding them close and to the side of your face so both you and the piece can be seen. Gary Eaves, editor of the CCG LOG uses some of the photos from our newletters for the LOG and he has requested to be able to see both the carver and their name with their piece, if possible.
I am happy to include photos along with our newsletter but with slower uploads these days I may only include photos that have been sent to me/taken prior to our Tuesday sessions on any particular week. If you’d like pictures posted, please consider sending them to me sooner rather than later
Thank you, Carvers, for being so interactive and uplifting, creative and generous of your time and talents and support, and for sticking with us through these challenging days. Each one of you is missed and we look forward to gathering face-to-face as soon as we can.
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild
December 8th - General Meeting
Happy Holidays, Carvers!
Our annual CCW holiday party was cheerfully attended by 25 of our members today via Google MEET. While celebrating virtually was a big change from our usual gather-and-mingle-and-eat-and exchange ornaments-and- group sing event, we still enjoyed getting into the spirit with each other. We DID elect officers, exchanged ornaments, and a little singing was shared.
Our annual election of officers took place, with 17 mail-in votes submitted to re-elect the current CCW officers. There were no other nominations submitted. No “nay” votes were received during today’s voting session. Your CCW officers and committee chairs for 2021 are:
President: Scot Lang
Vice-President/Treasurer: Tom Nickelson
Secretary: Laurie Wright
Woodcarver’s Show Chairman: Dick Marshall
CCW Webmaster: Charlie Roberts
CCW Librarian: Melody Mullis
Ornament Exchange & Woodcarver’s Show layout coordinators: Pat & Dot Rygh
Thanks were given to these individuals for their dedication and to past officers including, but not limited to, Dave Dignam, Ed Zirbel and Jerry Graybill
Treasurer’s report: CCW currently has $8500 in the bank. Annual dues are anticipated to increase the balance by approximately $400. Quarterly donations of $400 are made to St Timothy’s Church: we anticipate returning to utilize their annex on a weekly basis post-COVID restrictions.
Members of the Channel Islands Carvers shared that their chapter dues are also $10 per year, with new member dues of $15 which includes wood blanks. The Oregon Carver’s Guild’s annual dues are $30 per year, with an option to become a Club Patron for $100 per year (5 out of their 30 members have elected to become Patrons). The club offers free programming and has provided scholarships. Payment of dues is made via their Guild’s website: The California Carver’s Guild (to which our CCW members are encouraged to join) has annual dues of $25/Regular Membership, $40/Family Membership, $2/Youth Membership & $300/Lifetime membership.
Reminder: please add our new mailing address to your address book/contact list:
Central Coast Woodcarvers
P.O. Box 743
Morro Bay, CA 93443
You may send you $10 2021 dues to this address. In addition to p.o. box key holders Laurie Wright and Charlie Roberts several CCW members have been allowed access to the mailbox as needed.
New CCW member, Al Plasch introduced himself. Upon retirement from a 30 year career with the Ventura County Fire Department Al became interested in carving and joined the Channel Islands Carvers, of which he was President for 10 years, now Vice-President. (Facebook: Channel Islands Carvers, email: Google: Channel Island Carvers) Al expressed how much he’s been enjoying the on-line relief carving workshop led by Larry Wade (photo of relief pattern carving) and how much he's enjoyed participating in the CCW virtual activities.
Thank you to Larry Wade for sending his Guild’s member survey. Charlie Roberts and Laurie Wright are in the process of adapting the format for the CCW. Our format will include classes you’d like presented, suggestion/volunteers for presentations/classes and will ask if technical assistance is needed for presentations.
Scot Lang discussed how it is likely that all in-person scheduled events through May 2021 will be cancelled, with hopes that meeting in June will be a possibility. The 2021 CCW Woodcarver’s Show will be optimistically planned for September.
The 2020 CCW ornament exchange was held with great merriment and admiration of carver’s works. (See photos for the
assortment of pieces). Dot and Pat sent the following list:(ornament carver sends their piece TO recipient carver) Reminder: addresses are available on the member roster on the CCW website
1 Carol Dryer Bark House to Scot Lang
2 Scot Lang Bird in Cage to Carol Dryer
3 Melody Mullis Penguin to Jeanie Roberts
4 Dot Rygh Eagle to Vickie Hopson
5 Pat Rygh Grebe to Breck Smith
6 Kristian Backman Santa to Marsha Goss
7 Marsha Goss Horse to Ed Zirbel
8 Jeanie Roberts Santa to Dot Rygh
9 Charlie Roberts Christmas scene to Carol Dryer
10 Breck Smith Olaf to Dick Marshall
11 Jim Cady Santa to Melody Mullis
12 Vicky Hopson Pine cone to Kristian Backman
13 Ed Zirbel Tree to Charlie Roberts
14 Dick Marshal red feather to Gary Hensley
15 Gary Hensley Box to Pat Rygh
“Reminder: the person carving the ornament is responsible for getting the ornament to the receiver. Thank you all and Happy Holidays to you all. Dot & Pat”
Additional project piece photos submitted by Raymond Foster.
A fun time was had by all!
We will meet again next week via Google MEET.
Please continue to keep merry and safe,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carvers Guild
December 1st
Happy “Giving Tuesday”, Carvers!
…and belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our dear and talented DICK MARSHALL!
17 carvers joined in for today's virtual session.
Please join in next Tuesday, December 8 at 10:00 via Google MEET for our annual (and first, and hopefully only, virtual) CCW holiday gathering, business meeting, election of officers and suggestions for classes/projects for 2021.
Ornament exchange: if you have an ornament to exchange at next week’s on-line party and have not yet sent in your name and a description of your ornament to the Rygh’s, please do so ASAP and, at latest, by December 8 at 9:30 a.m. We’d like you to hold up your ornament in front of you during the ornament exchange for all to appreciate and enjoy. (photos)
CCW annual dues: please send in your $10 per person membership dues 2021 to our new P.O. Box 743 Morro Bay 93443. If you are no longer interested in being a member please let me (Laurie Wright) know and you will be regretfully removed from the membership roster and will not receive our chapter’s newsletters. (You may always reference our website for chapter information and news or rejoin as a member at any time)
Election of 2021 CCW Officers: please submit your votes to me by 9:30 a.m. December 8. A “yes” vote is your vote for the current officers to extend their positions for 2021 or you may nominate another member for any one of the 3 positions : President, Treasurer, Secretary
It is recommended that members print a copy of our member roster from the CCW website for their own quick reference. If a CCW member cannot access the roster, please email charlie@centralcoastwoodcarvers for approval.
Correction from November 24th newsletter: Tom Bundy has been working with GREY PINE, not GRAPEVINES!
Larry Wade will share the Oregon Carver's Guild survey format with Scot, Laurie and Charlie to effectively survey our members on preferences for classes, speakers, etc. Until we incorporate that form or one of our own format, feel free to make suggestions via email for any recommendation for the benefit of our group.
We are looking forward to seeing more of you next Tuesday at 10 a.m. on our Google MEET session, for our virtual get together.
Please join in for a chance for a little early season merriment and camaraderie!
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver’s Guild