News - Spring 2020
May 26th.
Hello carvers!
How nice to see so many bright smiling faces during our ZOOM meeting today. We all introduced ourselves as some hadn't met due to time and distance. We enjoyed listening to Kristen's birds cooing in their dovecote and the rhythmic ch-ch-ch of Breck's sandpaper. Scot transported us to the Yucatan with a fabulous ancient temple as his background. Vickie Hopson joined us from Copperopolis and Marsha Goss from Clarksburg. Dave Johnson and Jerry Graybill and Breck Smith talked to us from their outdoor patios. We touched on quite a few topics today and made suggestions for other modes of communicating with our fellow carvers:
All of us were glad to say that we've been staying healthy and keeping safe. Breck and Scott and Marsha have sewn hundreds of masks, with Marsha donating hers to Kaiser Permanente hospital. Scot gave us a fashion show of his assorted masks, including a Nacho Libre pattern, Hawaiian styles and more, with Jerry selecting a few of Scot's pieces for his own use. If anyone would like a mask, Scot has them available (408)482-1951.
Mid-chat, Vickie initiated a virtual group hug, which was enormously uplifting. We are looking forward to the day that we can hug in reality.
Scot updated us on his garden: corn growing over head high, and squash blossoms for breakfast. He shared his squash blossom fritter technique with us.
Breck Smith was working on his "knitty knotty" which he'll use to spin his dog's fur into yarn.
Jim Cady was working on his stars and Santas.
Melody Mullis stated that even though the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum is included in Phase 3 of openings(not Phase 1 as I stated previously) , she's still hopeful that it will be open in July.
Kristen Bachman spoke to us from inside her dovecote and told us a bit about her birds. She's carved a beautiful piece of walnut into a mother and baby giraffe. Kristen is anticipating having carpal tunnel surgery in the near future and got some good feedback from Vickie, who's gone through that surgery, and more, on her wrist a year ago.
Yvonne Bailey would like a tutorial on carving teeth in a face, via ZOOM or other medium. She showed us some of her beautiful quilts, patterned with her donkeys. Marsha's knowledge of quilting came through as she commented, and as her email suggests ( new to us:
Dave Johnson was carving a wooden Santa. He will put a video tutorial together about carving pipestone and send it to me to post. He has pipestone pieces available: he will carve the roughouts for our carvers and send to anyone who would like to work with this stone . Dave and George Newell both gave a little historical account of the stone coming from Pipestone, Minnesota, material which was/is often used by Native Americans for their peacepipes. Dave has carved owls and turtles and more out of pipestone. He is planning on making some "totems" for the Native American Flutes he's made/will be making.
Charlie Roberts would like those of us to submit a photo of ourselves, any history we'd like shared and samples of our carvings to be displayed on the public access portion of our CCW website. (He's posted a bio on his wife Jeanie, which is a good reference. Please take a peek.). Submit your information to Charlie, as you'd like it written, to or to Charlie Roberts at 680 Napa Ave, Morro Bay 93342
A suggestion was made for tutorial of classes to be made and posted on U-Tube, available to a wide audience as well as our own club members. Marsha recommended Dave Stetson as someone who could help. Charlie Roberts sates that uploading to U-tube is not difficult (for him), and he would be able to group our carving videos to our own U-tube site.
We all agreed that these ZOOM meetings were beneficial and looked forward to participating in the weeks to come. Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Did you happen to catch Mention of Dick Marshall in Kathe Tanner's column last week about accomplishing things during this period of staying-at-home?
Looking forward to seeing many of you next week!
Until then,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
May 19th.
Hello carvers!
Eleven of us "met " this morning via ZOOM and enjoyed seeing familiar friendly faces and catching up a bit. (see photo) Our session lasted a little over 45 minutes. We showed off some of our pieces, shared some advice, took tours of our home, garden and familes, caught up on news and shared that we were all keeping as safe as we could. There was agreement that we should continue with our weekly ZOOM sessions.
*Scot Lang and Breck Smith have been busy making masks. Breck has sewn close to 100 masks. Scot has repurposed old Hawaiians shirts for some of his masks. (see photo)
*Charlie Roberts has carved over 50 flutes, each requiring a stand, the slide and a cover, all made by Charlie.
*Melody Mullis is anticipating the museum to re-open in Phase 1. She shared her competed Uncle Sam (see piece ,pre-painting, in photo) a woodburning of elephants and a carved piece.
*Tom Nickelson described the challenges of carving his beaver piece.
*Jim and Donna Cady have missed baking for our group.
*Kristen Bachman showed us her beautiful piece, carved out of old bug eaten wood, which has given some special character to the piece.
*Scot Lang still has approximately 20 star and Uncle Sam blanks for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum tree. Jim will be taking a few off of Scot's hands. Let Scot know if you could carve any of the remaining pieces. Melody and I will meet after collecting all of the completed ornaments/pieces and she will decorate the tree.
*Yvonne Bailey has been filling her hours on carving several figurines, several of which she shared during our ZOOM session (see photo) She has a pair of new carving knives which she's having trouble opening. The group suggestions included using various forms of oil and graphite as well as old fashioned manual action to loosen/open up the blades from their closed positions.
*We were all happy to see George Newell on our screens.
*Tom Wright completed his 12th Little Free Library, now installed in front of a beautiful craftsman style home in San Luis Obispo (see photo) Tom's libraries are located in Los Osos(4), San Luis Obispo (2), Camarillo (2), Sonora, Petaluma, Mt View & Elk Grove. He also built the Little Free Pantry in Los Osos.
*Scot Lang explained the rationale for cancelling this year's Woodcarving Show, and suggested perhaps presenting a virtual show on our website. We will discuss the logistics of this, with webmaster Charlie Roberts' help.
* Several of our carvers have been taking a break from carving due to acute and long-term arm, wrist and hand injuries. Heal well and soon, carvers!
Several of our members missed out on the ZOOM meeting as they have come up with their own way to meet, maintaining proper social-distancing space as they gather to carve, masked, in an undisclosed Cambria parking lot. (see photo)
Jeanie Roberts has been perfecting her woodburning techniques on coasters for her family, taking up to 3 days to get the piece just beautifully right. (see photo)
Ed Zirbel's daughter is the lucky recipient of his 4 drawer bandsaw box. (see photo) In the works is a 2 drawer bandsawbox.
Walt Ross has recently made over 20 pens, gifting some to Joyce's ankle surgeon and staff and 6 for the patriots tree at the museum. His pens also include Wild Card and Motorcycle themed pens (foreground in photo)
Central Coast Woodcarvers had a nice showing in the most recent California Carver's Guild LOG. Thank you to LOG editor Gary Eaves.
We will meet again next week at 10:00 on ZOOM, for those who want to join in. If you had trouble or need assistance with logging in to ZOOM I will do my best to assist you.
Please keep well, stay safe and see you soon!
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
May 11th.
Hello carvers,
As you'll see in the attached pictures, some of our carvers have been busy! Breck Smith shared that he's switched mediums this week, sewing masks in lieu of carving wood. Tom Nickelson is making progress on his myrtlewood beaver project, destined for Oregon once he's cpmpleted. Ed Zirbel bought the chunk of alabaster in Arizona last year and with much rasping, wet-sanding and polishing created his beautiful piece. We traded some of our free range eggs for some masks and blanks for the History Museum tree from Scot Lang.
Speaking of the History Museum: Melody Mullis, museum director , reports that the museum is included in Phase 1 of San Luis Obispo's reopening plan. Melody expects that the museum may reopen in July, on weekends only to start. Saying that, please continue to work on your pieces for the tree. We'd like an approximate count of how many pieces will be available. Please email me your anticipated count. If we don't have enough completed to decorate the tree, Melody has another exhibit that she can put on display this year and will use our ornaments next year. If there ARE enough, the tree might be displayed with our pieces this year AND possibly next year as well. I will be happy to collect the pieces competed by those of you here on the coast and I will deliver them to Melody. We can make arrangements for pick up from other locales as well. Please plan on having your pieces collected by June 23rd.
After much consideration by the club officers and Dick Marshall, show chairman, it has been deemed necessary to cancel our 43rd Woodcarver's Show, scheduled for September 17 & 18. While greatly disappointing, under the circumstances, with so many unknowns and possible restrictions, it is felt that this is the most reasonable decision at this time. All of the work already put in towards this year's show is greatly appreciated and hopefully can by applied towards next year's show. The pieces already ear marked for display or sale will hopefully keep until then as well, and additional time is now available to increase the supply. Your comments or questions regarding the decision may be directed to Scot Lang at (408)482-1951 or via email
In light of the food insecurity many members of our county are now experiencing, a donation has been made to the San Luis Obispo Food Bank from the Central Coast Woodcarvers. The 1,750 meals that our $250 donation will provide will make a significant difference. Our club is also continuing donations to St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Morro Bay, where we hope to soon be able to gather again weekly in their annex for our carving sessions.
At Scot Lang's suggestion I will be setting up a shared ZOOM conference for any of our carvers that would like to join in beginning NEXT Tuesday, May 19, scheduled at 10:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to say hello to some familiar friendly faces and catch up a little. Showing some of your pieces would be most welcome, so have them nearby. If you are unfamiliar with ZOOM, you may let me know and I will walk you through it. I will initially host the meetings and send an email out each Tuesday morning with a meeting ID and password.
Cindy Pomerico sent the following(see below), to be shared with our group. We all miss our dear friend, Matt and send virtual hugs and much love to Cindy and the Pomerico family..
Until next week's ZOOM meeting,
May 4th
Greetings, Carvers!
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie for sending in photos of their pieces this week. Nice work!! Anyone else have anything to show and or share??
A few months back I was approached by David "Sus" Susalla who is the Executive Director of the Gualala Arts gallery in Gualala (on the road to Big Sur). The gallery features artists and their pieces. Understandably, the gallery may be closed at this point in time, but once open again may be a nice venue to visit and/or potentially display your pieces. David would like to talk to any of our carvers who might
be interested in showing there. You may contact David at, visit their site at, or phone 707-884-1138.
There's not much to report this week. It's very quiet out there.
April 29th
Dear carvers,
Please enjoy these photos submitted by Susie Bishop (of Bill and his drake) and Dick Marshall. It's refreshing to see projects come to life. Kudos to Bill, for working on a beautiful piece for our
Woodcarver's Show, and to Dick for trying a new type of carving (fish, not birds) as requested by a friend. You both are artists extraordinaire!
Take care, dear carvers, until we may meet again,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
April 22nd
Springtime greetings, carvers!
I’ve heard from quite a few of you this week and am happy to share your updates with our group.
Our chapter President, Scot Lang, writes “I hope everyone is keeping safe. It’s so difficult not being able to meet and carve with all of my friends. I’ve been keeping busy taking care of my mom. I worry each time I leave the house that there is a potential to bring home the virus and cause her harm. I’ve also been pulling weeds around the yard and making cloth masks for friends and family (see photo) I will have to catch up on carving but it seems more important to make the masks right now. I have no shortage of takers right now! Need a stylish mask anyone? Stay safe everyone! We will be able to get together again soon, although we may have to settle for air hugs for the time being.”
Jeanie Roberts has made patriotic butterflies for the July tree and woodburned a rose onto a coaster (photos). She’s making sets of coasters for her children to perfect her woodburning techniques. She pines that as soon as she decided to join the carving group, and was getting to know “our wonderful carvers”, everything stopped. She looks forward to seeing everyone again.
Dot Rygh forwarded the article about Bob and Marsha Goss which was included in the Beacon, a newsletter from the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse. She notes that Hans Kock and Ed and Carolyn Zirbel were also part of the lighthouse restoration project. Thanks to all who worked on this beautiful piece of history! (see attached article)
Pat Rygh finished 10 Liberty Bells for the July tree at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum. (see photo) "Now on to something else."
Marsha Goss extends a “thank you to all the carvers for their support for Bob. He loved the woodcarving group and we spent many years of enjoyment with the group. Miss them all so much!” She is glad to read about so many of them in our newsletters.
Yvonne Bailey has been staying in her house, except for visiting with their animals and she has been riding their mules. She has been busy carving and woodburning (see photos). She’s hoping “this is over fast and can come to visit you all in Morro Bay soon.”
Ed Zirbel copied a book pattern and created the “Whale Play” band-saw jewelry box. The one shown is about 9”Lx5”Dx5”H. It is from a 2” thick black walnut board, cut and laminated then cut on a band saw. (photos)
Raymond Foster, who joined us last year, was sidelined soon thereafter. He’s been able to carve again recently and wanted to share “Sandy” the Sea Turtle which he carved for his wife. (see photos) He’ll join us again when we all can next gather together.
Charlie Roberts just finished a “bunch of high toned flutes.” He reports that they “took forever” and he won’t do that big of a batch again. The process includes making the flute, carving the fetish, making a stand, making a cover, and decorating it all. They will make gifts for the grandchildren and great grandchildren.” (see photos)
Walt Ross “Finally finished Janette!!!. Started her 20 yrs ago with the most famous Janet in our carving world. I harvested the Catalpa in a friends yard in Iowa. The little guy is a revolutionary war cadet for the patriots tree (July 4th) at Paso Robles Museum. I also made some patriotic themed pens.” Walt has also “been doing nurse and homemaker duty for Joyce. She gets the last stitches removed from her ankle tomorrow (her birthday).
Thanks to all who contributed to this week's newsletter. I haven't made a thing except precious memories with my grandchildren, which will hopefully last as long as your beautifully carved pieces!
Keep those updates coming! Your carving pals are enjoying the news and inspiration!
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
April 14th
Dear Carvers,
What has inspired you this week? What have you made time for? What is bringing you joy? Who has touched your life? Who and what are you thankful for?
*Dot and Pat Rygh shared photos of their drive up to Shell Creek Road for a little change of scenery among the wildflowers. (see photos)
*Bob Schnieders has been contentedly sheltering at home and carving pieces for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum, for the Woodcarver's Show raffle giveaways, and has completed his Viking piece. (see photos)
* Breck Smith has been working on a candlestick made from various woods (see photo)
*Joyce Ross is recovering from ankle surgery and has advanced to using a wheelchair. Her "Personal Visiting Angel", Walt, has proudly done some cooking and cheesecake baking and has been carving a patriotic figure for the PR Museum as well as finishing a female figure and 3 pens. Joyce and Walt just celebrated their 16th anniversary. Congratulations Walt & Joyce!
*Melody Mullis has been working on pieces for the July Tree at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum. She hopes to have 50 stars made when this batch is done! (see photo)
*Shelly Elisararras shared the wonderful news that her husband Rick is in total remission from the pancreatic cancer he was diagnosed with last year! Shelly's been making face masks, some chick-themed for Easter. (see attached)
*Charlie Roberts shared that a community member found us via our website and is offering to donate various sized dowels that were previously used for keeping shoes straight during shipping to stores. He also has a variety of small, medium and large cloth bags which could be used to protect wooden pieces. (see photos) He is willing to mail via USPS or wait until the COVID concerns are resolved to deliver. If he has no takers for these supplies, he will be discarding them. You many contact Daniel Walker at
*Happy upcoming birthday later this week to Tom Wright! I'm happy to have shared more than a few decades of birthday cake with him!
* Happy upcoming birthdays also a little further in the month to Frances Abenido, Joyce Ross and Ed Zirbel! May you all celebrate the joys you've brought to so many!
*Dave Dignam was asked to remember our friend Matt Pomerico in an article for the Broken Blade remembrance page in the upcoming edition of the CCG LOG. Thank you, Dave, for honoring Matt so genuinely. That piece is posted below, as all CCW carvers are not members of the CCG. Also included is the obituary for Matt which was included in today's Tribune. Indeed, we will always miss and remember Matt.
Thanks to those who have sent pictures and stories about their activities while we've been apart. I'm happy to receive them and to keep the connections going among our group.
Thankful that we can still be in touch even while apart,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers
April 7th
It's quiet out there, isn't it Carvers?
A few of you have sent photos of your projects and mentioned what you're up to. Certainly we'd like to hear from more of you, so please send in your pictures and/or report in to tell us about your activities while
we're apart.
I added a few of our older pictures of several of our carvers.....remember them? I'm so hoping that we'll be able to take new portraits soon!
Belated birthday greetings to Dave Osman and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to his lovely wife, Kate!
Kristen writes that she's been carving and is contentedly sheltering with her two teens and her husband. Ray Johnson is tackling some "round to it " projects. Tom Wright has a Little Free Library in progress, but
further building is on hold as he is, instead, carving out time (pun intended) with the grandchildren as we shelter together. Scot Lang has been sewing face masks in addition to working on bracelets and on
ornaments for the July tree. Pat Rygh has 4 ornaments in progress.
Emails and cards and texts are being welcomed by the Pomerico family.
May you all take care, stay well, remember to give thanks to those who continue to do their jobs to keep us going, and keep hope alive that we'll meet again before too long,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
March 31st
Dear Carvers,
Although still unable to meet, at least through April, it's good to keep in touch and share our current projects and news with each other. I will be glad to attach photos and updates from you in a weekly newsletter.
Melody shared the photo of stars she's worked on for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum tree, Dick is carving a trout for a good friend, Tom Nickelson reports that he is"carving a beaver to go in the home of the new president of Oregon State University. I completed my clay model and finally got a piece of Oregon myrtlewood for the carving. The wood was donated by a myrtlewood shop in Gold Beach, Oregon. The wood is 15"x10"x7" and just barely fits in my band saw. Now I have to figure out how to get the pattern of the clay model on the block of wood." Pat Rygh has been working on ornaments as well as having completed his sailor troll ("Any resemblance to any of my carving table mates, is in the eye of the beholder", he says) Scot has been working on tying bracelets as well as carving. Tom and I are sheltering at home with our grandchildren as their first responder parents are working extra shifts and trying to keep their home and family virus free. Needless to say, we haven't had a chance at all to carve, but are making precious memories for the four of us to remember in years to come.
Thanks to Gary Eaves, the editor of the CCG LOG for including some of our photos and news in the latest edition. Gary is a recipient of our CCW newsletters and includes what works best for the articles as he puts the LOG together. The latest edition also included a nice tribute to our friend, Bob Goss. If you don't get the LOG, you may do so by joining the California Carver's Guild at Some new members of the CCG include Charlie Roberts and Breck Smith from our CCW chapter.
Belated birthday wishes go out to Kristen and Carol, and upcoming happy birthday wishes to Diane! You might be celebrating in a different way this year but here's hoping that you celebrated in the best way possible in the current circumstances.
We are also sending Joyce Ross our good wishes as she recovers from a fractured ankle and the surgery to repair it. Walt is, no doubt, tending to her with great care. We hope to hear that you are up and about soon, Joyce!
The planned Fort Hope fundraiser scheduled at the end of April has been cancelled, as has the Oakhurst Rendezvous.
Cindy Pomerico shares, via Dave Dignam, that the immediate Pomerico family are spending precious time together, by Matt's side as his periods of wakefulness diminish. Continued thoughts and prayers for the entire Pomerico family are most welcome.
Dave reminds us that if we have the wood and the tools, we can cut out our own blanks for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum (he provided some sample photos and measurements in our last newsletter) He has shared some blanks with Dick. Scot Lang (408-482-1951) has cut out 50 stars/santas/Uncle Sam blanks to share. Bob Schnieders (818-749-0002)is willing to pick up blanks from Scot and deliver them to carvers who request a supply.
Dave Dignam asked me to share the following:
"Genevieve was a friend of our club and Don Calver's companion for many years."
May the time spent apart pass all in good time, and may we be reminded when it's over of how well we were able to manage in challenging circumstances, how little we can, indeed, do without, how important it is to keep in touch, and how much we appreciate our friends, family and the kind wave or good deed from those both familiar and strangers,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
March 23rd
Dear Carvers,
Even though we're under orders to socially isolate face-to-face, we can still keep in touch in so many ways. How uplifting have been the many texts, emails, messages and calls that have been made and received since the directive to shelter in place. Keep your family, friends and neighbors in mind and check in with them frequently.
This note was sent from our dear friend, Matt:"Love to all and my personal thanks." We miss you, Matt, and are keeping you close in heart!
We will continue to hold off on any carving sessions until the shelter in place directive has been lifted. Scot and Dave have blanks to carve for the July tree at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum. Perhaps there are creative and clever arrangements that can be made for delivery/pick up.
This forwarded to me by Rindi Patterson, sent to her by Sharon Terrel: "March 21, 2020 To all CCG Members With a lot of thought and deliberation by Larry Smith to ensure the health and well being of everyone the Oakhurst Woodcarving Rendezvous has been postponed until next year due to the Corona Virus. At this time everything that was planned for this year will happen next year! For those who have sent in an application and/or deposit you will be given the option of holding it over till next year or getting your money back and reapplying next year. Please let Larry know as soon as you can which option you want. I am very sad to report th by by is as this event is my favorite week of the year!!! After 49 consecutive years of carving shows Capitol Woodcarvers Association has cancelled their show this year for the same reason…. Gary Hensley CCG President"
Several of our CCW members have sent updates of their projects. Thanks to Breck, Jeanie and Dick for this week's submissions. I've included a little moment of chicken feather zen from my garden this morning as my photo. Please do send pictures and any anecdotes or notes about your activities so we can keep connected while apart.
Bill and Susan and Dick all shared this today on their facebook pages: "On the bright side, I am no longer calling this shelter-in-place. I am now an artist-in-residence." Keep smiling!!
Missing you all, and looking forward to being together again soon,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
March 17th
Hello Carvers,
Although we aren't meeting to carve as a group it is hoped that you've been able to take a little break from the potentially overwhelming news reports and focus instead on a relaxing and therapeutic activity such as carving at home.
On that note, Dave Dignam and Scot Lang have blank pieces for our July project at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum cut out and ready to carve. For those in the Cambria area, you may call Dave at 805-440-5510 to arrange to pick up your blanks. For those in or near Los Osos you may contact Scot at 408-482-1951. RED, WHITE and BLUE is our theme for the patriotic tree display.
Dave shared that he spent some quality time with Matt yesterday at the Pomerico's home. Matt was in good spirits. Both he and Dave mutually appreciated the company and conversation. To send Matt a message, you may email Cindy at and she will share your note with him. If you would like to visit Matt, please FIRST call Cindy at 805-238-6669 to arrange an appropriate time. Cindy will return your call as soon as she can to schedule a visit, which will depend on a variety of factors. Thank you for continuing to keep Matt & his family in your thoughts.
"ALSO HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS IS- Kindness, Patience, Love, Enthusiasm and a Positive Attitude. Don't wait to catch it from others...Be the Carrier" (anon.)
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver's Guild.
March 10th
Hello Carvers,
Our group was a little smaller than usual today and the chat was largely focused on health related topics. We will continue to hold our carving sessions unless directed otherwise by the County of San Luis Obispo.
That being said, we ask that if you are feeling at all ill, please refrain from attending. There is a great deal of conflicting information being aired and shared: the most certain advice is to wash hands with MUCH more frequency and for longer duration than you probably practiced before the Coronavirus outbreak and to sanitize your surfaces (including cell phones) often to reduce the potential transmission of viruses and bacteria.
We were happy to have Kristen back with us after an extended absence.
Dave Dignam shared that Cindy Pomerico has kept him apprised of Matt's health status. Matt is currently in the hospital. He is not taking calls or wanting visitors at this time but texts, cards and emails to
let Matt (and Cindy) know that we're thinking of him/them are welcome. Prayers and thoughts for Matt are in each falling raindrop today.
Walt and Scot will be traveling to an upcoming memorial for Bob Goss. Thank you attending and for representing Bob's Central Coast Woodworking family, Gentlemen. Marsha, you have all of our loving support.
Scot and Dave will be standing in for Matt at this Saturday's (March 14) carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum, 1-4 p.m. Please consider joining them to work on your patriotic items for the museum's
July display.
We use many tools and implements in our craft. I thought I'd include of few of those in our photo gallery today.
As someone once said: "Woodworking minus patience equals firewood".
With appreciation for the beautiful rain coming down and for each of you,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary
March 3rd
Hello Carvers,
Happy birthday to Dave Patterson this week!
Our absent friends are on our minds. Good thoughts are being sent to them.
Dave Johnson would like a head count for those expecting to take his Pipestone Carving class on March 24 & 31. There will be a sign up sheet at next Tuesday's session. Dave will bring examples of tools that are
used in pipestone carving on March 17 and will give a demonstration of the techniques he uses. Pipes and animal figures are among the many pieces that can be carved using pipestone.
Remember to SPRING your clocks forward on Sunday, March 8!
Mark your calendars for carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum on Saturday March 14, 1-4 p.m. Patriotic themed blanks will be provided and you can get a peek at the tree we'll be decorating in July. Melody shared that a generous donor gave the museum dozens of (or was it hundreds of?) Uncle Sam figurines, some of which will also adorn the tree in July. Matt Pomerico initiated this project for our
club - let's show him just how many pieces we can carve!
Some tools in use today in the annex were: paintbrushes, knives, chisels, mallets, wood burners, a hair dryer, scorps, dremels, patterns and gourd dye. The annex was a hopping and creative place for the
25 carvers who attended.
Until next time,
Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary