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News - Summer 2020

August 25th

Hello Carvers!


At least 15 of us met today on Google MEET.  It was great to see some long missed faces and to catch up with everyone. 


August is a big month for birthdays and anniversaries:  we wished Jeanie and Charlie Roberts Happy Birthdays.  Bob Schnieders and Walt Ross will be celebrating birthdays within the week.  The following couples enjoy August anniversaries:   Gary Hensley and his wife celebrated 54 years together,  Scot and Cirilla Lang celebrated 32 years (Marsha Goss was in attendance at their wedding at the site that is now a skate park), Ray & Helen Johnson have been married 61 years, Shelly & Rick Elisarraras have enjoyed 50 years married, Tom & Laurie Wright will celebrate their  40th anniversary (photo), and Ed & Caroline Zirbel  are celebrating 60 years as husband & wife (photo)!  Congratulations to all on their marital longevity! ( I will gladly share celebratory photos forwarded to me)


We discussed the results of our potential CCW tool swap.  The majority were interested and eager for this event to happen.  Unfortunately,  upon post MEET research, Scot Lang has found  that the current state COVID guildelines  Phase 2  disallows any gatherings, indoor or outdoor, that bring together persons from multiple households ( information available on ReadySLO).  Thus, we will have to hold off on any meeting plans until the guidelines change in our favor. 


Projects our carvers have been/are working on:

  • Kristen Bachman-  an elephant (in group photo) and bark- carved faces (photo), which she'll separate into individual ornaments.

  • Dot Rygh - woodburned her avocet carving: a male, as the feathers are darker than a female's

  • Breck Smith - a whimsical rooster,  many Olaf's (with golf tees for arms and noses), and a collection of fanciful bugs which he gives to neighborhood children to paint( group photo)

  • Dave Johnson - a spatula and a carved totem with a caged ball inside (in group photo)

  • Ray Johnson - canning peaches in hot and smoky Modesto

  • Scot Lang - seaturtles with embedded rocks collected in Julian, CA  (He passed by Kristen's mother-n-law's shop Hog Heaven while there)

  • Yvonne Bailey -  a clown, a Big Foot, carved avocado seeds with embedded sea glass.  (She recommends carving the pits just a few days after removing from the fruit, and peeling off the top dark layer of skin for better carving)  Yvonne has been taking private carving classes via Zoom from well known Chris Hammack who lives in Mexico, on a small island.

  • Melody Mullis - her wolf has its legs on it, but further carving is on hold until her models return after her deck rebuild is complete.

  • Tom Wright - 8 blanket ladders are in the works

  • Vickie Hopson -  carving baby dolls from her UFO (unfinished object) collection.  It's been 15 years since she started carving these pieces.

  • Jeanie Roberts - joined Charlie in the workshop today, her first day of carving following shoulder surgery.  Welcome back, Jeanie!

  • Jim Cady - making progress on his pair of carved boots

  • Marsha Goss - staying indoors as the air quality around her in Clarksburg is oppressively smokey.  No woodburning indoors for her, either!

  • See Ed Zirbel's transformation of a piece of buckeye (Home Page scroll through images)


We also had the following discussions/comments:

  • Several of our carvers have happily accidentally or intentionally met up with fellow carvers.

  • Summer wood vs winter wood and the resulting hardness

  • Gary Hensley reported that a fellow carver, in Portland OR, is interested in how our group is running so he can follow the lead in his area.  Contact information to come.

  • The  CCW display is still up at the Los Osos Library, at least through August, perhaps longer if there are no displays set to follow.

  • COVID talk led to being informed that 2 members of a carver's family are currently quite ill with COVID  (get well soon!) and another CCW member felt sure that she had COVID in February and was hospitalized for it before testing was made available.  Our carvers were urged to take this virus seriously and to get your FLU shots, which are now available.

  • Suggested video tutorials to make and show: how to make a wooden yoyo or a whistle (Ed Zirbel, have you made one?)

  • The fires:  Scot Lang, former state ranger, shared interesting information: An area where he was posted, Felton CA has now been evacuated and friends homes have burned. Big Basin has burned although Scot reports that  the 300 foot, 1000 year old trees on flat land may survive due to their thick bark.  On the other hand, trees growing on a slope tend to drop their self pruned needles and branches upslope against their trunks and are more prone to burning.  The fire burns through the bark into the core, burning the inside and also  burns the far reaching roots, often for days.  OUR collective CCW thoughts go out to all who are affected by the fires.

  • We will continue with our weekly on-line sessions!  If you are having trouble accessing the meeting(s) contact Charlie Roberts.  Don't be intimidated by the technology, as each meeting is started by several of us fumbling about trying to get our video and/or our microphone to work, our screens to show all participants, and trying to log out.  We are all trying to get by in this new phase of ours.... and we have a great time seeing all who are participating.

  • Hoping to see each of you soon,


Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


August 18th


Hello Carvers,


Please read the following, from our MEET discussion today and reply to me either YES or NO, and optional: WHY or WHY NOT  by next Tuesday:  Would you be interested in participating in a CCW Tool/wood Swap at St Timothy's Church in mid to late October 2020?


The 10 attendees in today's Google MEET session talked about this proposed activity at length.  Scot Lang received a message from St Timothy's church notifying him that the church is agreeable  to have a swap meet held either indoors or outside in the parking lot.  Due to the current state of COVID considerations we would have to be able to ensure that participants were masked and maintaining social distance.  A Purell sanitizing station might be a necessity.  Exit and Entry  directions would be clearly marked.  We would have to consider the # of attendees at any given time.  The event would only be open to our CCW members and would be designated as private.  We would need a committee to coordinate this activity.  It was voiced that perhaps this event should be held off until a later date due to the current state of events and potential risk to our members.   I will collect your responses and report at our next meeting.


Scot Lang mentioned that it will soon be time to vote in your 2021 Chapter 7 Officers.  If you are interested in the position of President, Treasurer and/or Secretary please let Scot know.  It is unlikely that we will have our annual end-of-the year meeting and holiday party at this point: we will let you know how elections will be taking place.


Scot showed us his large pile of harvested zucchini, with more ripening on the vine.  He is eager to share his crop with any who would like some.  Who has a favorite zucchini recipe?


Temperatures: 112 in Clarksburg (with smoky and cloudy skies), 102 in Atascadero (with a rolling blackout from 3 p.m. until midnight), 72 in Los Osos.  We discussed the ongoing California wildfires and  expressed thanks for our brave and dedicated firefighters.


What members have been working on:


*Kristen Bachman -  carving an elephant out of basswood and faces in cottonwood bark (see meeting group photo)


*Jim Cady -  carving a pair of boots


*Gary Hensley -  carved an eagle head (see photo)


*Dot Rygh - researching her family's genealogy


*Pat Rygh - replacing and refinishing their front door


*Tom Wright - stripping eucalyptus bark from branches for blanket ladders (see photo)


* Charlie Roberts- carving picture frames


* Bill Bishop completed a pair of wood ducks, ordered by a collector. (see photo)


Scot Lang and Gary  Hensley reminisced about Ventura's thrift stores and the great finds to be had there: Hawaiian shirts, puzzles, a like-new Jim Shore Santa for $1.50, wooden duck blanks.  Gary reports that Main Street Ventura is now closed to traffic, with restaurant seating spilling out over the road. 


Charlie Roberts, Tom Wright and Laurie Wright went kayaking in Morro Bay yesterday which provided a refreshing respite from the heat and on-land doldrums.  (see photo)


We wish Charlie Roberts and Jeanie Roberts much HAPPY on their BIRTHDAYS this next week!  (I am happy to share carver celebrations with our members.  Send me the date, the event and anything else you'd like to mention and I will add it to our CCW calendar)


Again, please respond to me ASAP with your input regarding a tool/wood swap for our members.  Only I will know who responded and how.  All comments will be taken into consideration when deciding about holding this event.


Keep cool and safe, Carvers,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary

August 18th


15 joined in on today’s  hour-long Google MEET session.  The topics were varied, some of us were a little isolation punchy, we learned a few things about each other, woodcarving, gardening, meteors and more.


Happy 61st anniversary to Ray and Helen Johnson!


Happy 50th anniversary to Shelly and Rick Elisarraras!


The 2020 Woodcarver’s Show has been pared down to the display at the Los Osos Library for the month of August.  Representing the Central Coast Woodcarvers on the shelves are pieces from Scot Lang, Dot Rygh, Melody Mullis, Marsha Goss and Dave Dignam, among others.  Stop by and take a look.


Although we haven’t been able to meet as a large group, except on Zoom and MEET, our carvers have been running into each other here and there and/or keeping in touch:  Dave saw Shelly who, like all, is missing our carving sessions and fellow carvers.  Dave’s been chatting with Barbara Scoles and he’s found out, via Jerry Graybill, that Father Ed will continue at St. Timothy’s for another year.  A relatively new carver, in Aptos, Don Davies, has been keeping up with our group and has been in touch with Dave about some of Bill and Marsha Bank’s pieces.  Dick shared seeing Bill and Susie recently, no longer COVID positive, but still recovering.  Scot has been chatting about masks with Laura Thompson who liked his taco themed one(s), but reported that Taco Bell  requires that their employees only wear solid colored masks.


Scot Lang is awaiting a new washer/dryer set-up and treating his gourds which have stopped growing.  He’s sprayed the leaves (both sides) with full strength milk to stave off powdery mildew.  He adds that using NEEM Oil (from the Neem trees grown in India) is another product recommended for powdery mildew, which also is an ingredient in some toothpastes (who knew?  No powdery mildew on these carver’s teeth!).  Carol  Dwyer stated that she uses a mixture of dishsoap and water to spray her plants.


Dave Dignam continues to work on his canoe and is waiting for both a completed canoe rack and his grandson to be his companion for the inaugural float.  He was carving one of the rough-outs from Bill and Marsha Banks during today’s session.


Dick Marshall was busily carving an antique shorebird: a dowitcher.


Pat Rygh showed us his full sized gryfalcon piece, which he says “will take longer than I’ll live to finish it.”  We learned from Pat that gyrfalcons are mainly arctic birds, nesting among the rocks.  He’s seen them in Alaska, in Denali.  Scot chimed in that gyrfalcons are known to fly as far south as Montana.


Yvonne Bailey has been taking ZOOM classes from Chris Hammack, who mainly carves cowboy figures and bar scenes.  She asked about the piece that she’d wiped down with Howard’s Feed-N-Wax solution, only to find  that the piece then sparked and popped and gushed oil when she tried to woodburn it.  The advice she was given by Scot and Dot was to only oil/wax a piece after the woodburning was completed, only woodburn on a raw piece of wood.  The oil can produce toxic fumes when heated.  Scot mentioned that Yvonne might leave her piece out in the sun for one to two months to dry it out and only  then might it be suitable for painting.  Ahh….Yvonne will add it to her UFO box: Unfinished Object. 


Kristen Bachman's hand is recovering nicely and she is back to baking, doing yard work and carving.  Her most recent piece is a bearded figure on a piece of cottonwood bark, one of several that she found on her walk around Atascadero Lake.


Marsha Goss gave us a descriptive tour of the 55 acre property she lives on, located south and west of Sacramento, in the Delta.  Her closest neighbor is a mile away .  Safflower, dichondra grass and wheat are the main crops grown and rotated on the property.  They are surrounded by grapes.   She sees many types of birds and waterfowl, including geese, visiting the wetlands and ponds.  No sandhill cranes, though.  Marsha misses Cambria living but knows she made the best decision to move near Clarksburg.


We disappointedly talked about Beverly’s Fabrics and Crafts closing in San Luis Obispo.  Out of once many stores, only their Soquel store will remain.  The Cottonball in Morro Bay and several quilting stores in Atascadero seem to be our only local sources of fabric.


There will be NO fruit deliveries, mentioned in the last newsletter, for the remainder of August.  Scot picked up the last available box last week and shared with neighbors.  We’ve put out a “free fruit” box to share the bounty from both the fruit boxes and our own trees with the many folks who walk by our place.

Scot reminded us about viewing the annual Perseid meteor shower between now and Thursday.  He reports that the best time for viewing is between 3 a.m. and dawn and though the meteor is actually in the east sky, its high sodium content allows for a fine fire show throughout the entire sky.


Walt Ross sent in photos of the 16" project he started with Jeff Phares 2 years ago and of the Woodcraft kit he put together. 


Until next time, send in photos of your projects and activities, stay healthy, keep in touch and remain hopeful,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


August 4th

Hi all,


Scot Lang sent a photo of the Los Osos Library display that he, Dot Rygh and Melody Mullis put together this past Saturday.  The display will be available for viewing through August.  The display and references to and sites may inspire  library visitors to learn more about our groups.


Ed Zirbel sent photos: "How do you make a bowl from flute wood?   The photos are of the latest segmented bowl made from the last of my aromatic red cedar and Alaskan yellow cedar which were going to be flutes but I figure if I needed another flute I'd just go to Charlie."  Nice work, Ed!


After our MEET chat today, Marsha Goss sent in pictures of two of her latest beautiful projects.  She has an affinity for chickens, one of which will be included in her future woodburned project of a wagon. The chicken coop on her property is quite the fancy residence, including a stained glass window! (Tom and I also enjoy our chickens: we have 5 hens that free range throughout our back yard, keeping the weeds and bugs at bay, sharing the goods with resident wild bunnies, squirrels, a variety of birds including owls, hawks, doves and quail, as well as giving us a nice supply of fresh eggs)  Marsha mentioned the beaver and muskrat activity in her pond.  Tom Nickelson (a biologist) is a beaver aficionado.


Today's Google MEET chat  with 14 carvers also included the following discussions:

Scot Lang (with his pup Springer) continues to make masks. He is successfully growing gourds and sharing his crop of zucchini.   Charlie Roberts asked about the cause of rotting zucchini ends.  Scot advised about "blossom end rot": add powdered milk and/or chelated iron to the soil to unlock and add nutrients.


Jim Cady has harvested the last of his bountiful blackberry crop and has frozen a good amount for future recipes.  He continues work on carving his pair of shoes and is finding the end grain a bit of a challenge.

Brecky Smith showed us his collection of turned pens and future figures and windchimes.  He's been working with fir, walnut, tulip and Brazilian cherry wood, among others.


Kristen Bachman's hand is recovering nicely and she is beginning to use it more for her usual tasks.  She's hoping for some inspired ideas so she can soon begin carving again.


Yvonne Baily showed us her carved cowboy and Native American figures.  She reports that she has a Seatrain box filled with fabric left from her quilting days.  She is willing to share fabric.  Yvonne is the new owner of Irene Marquart's carving chest.


Tom Nickelson is continuing to work on his beaver for Oregon State University's president. The pattern has been drawn on the piece of Juniper.  Tom is awaiting delivery of 11mm eyes for the piece.  Tom was shipped 5 pieces of Juniper (each 16"x6"x6") and has been in the process of drying it.  He reports that it's 92 degrees in Paso Robles, as at Marsha Goss's. 


Gary Hensley showed us his working pair of pliers, carved from a single piece of wood.  He teased us with his moveable piece that has been (wink, wink) magnetized because of  a lightening strike.  He also demonstrated a moveable arrow within his carved name, all from one piece of wood.  Several of our carvers figured out the techniques for one or both of those pieces.  Very clever!  Gary has taught Bark Carving classes for the past 3 seasons at Oakhurst and was quite disappointed not to have been able to teach yet another class this year.


Carol Dwyer is continuing to work on the spoon piece that her dog unexpectedly had a taste for:  she hopes to get most of the teeth marks removed.  She's also been working on miniature houses.


Tom Bundy: we are all concerned as the Pond Fire is awfully close to you!  Please check in and let us know how you are faring. We saw your name pop up on the screen during our chat but couldn't hear or see you.  Do let us know if any of us can assist you in any way.   Laurie Wright reported seeing the smoke plume while passing through Santa Margarita on Sunday.  Tom Wright received a report from the SLO County Fire Safe Council that the grading that CalFire had done on the" Bundy Property" earlier this year was instrumental in slowing the fire. 


Dot and Pat Rygh still have some tools and blanks donated by Irene Marquart.  If you are interested, you may look over the items displayed in the Rygh's back patio.  Please call to arrange a time and follow all social distancing protocols.  You should send your donation $ for any tools or equipment purchased to our CCW Treasurer, Tom Nickelson at 47 Alydar Place, Paso Robles, CA 93446.  Tom reminded carvers to submit any receipts they may have for CCW business to him for reimbursement.


Because of the concerns about and restraints of COVID we don't expect to be gathering again as we once did for quite some time.  No plans have yet been made for the suggested Carver's Swap Meet.  When the COVID numbers slow and decline, when the weather cools,  and when restrictions are loosened we may be able to plan something for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum parking lot.  Stay tuned....


Please send photos to me to include in the upcoming newsletters.  We enjoy seeing your carvings and anything else you like to share. 


Thank you to Charlie Roberts for coordinating our Tuesday on-line MEET sessions.  We hope to see many of you next week,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


July 28th

Greetings, Carvers!


9 of us met this morning for our weekly chat.  Here is a recap:


* Scot Lang was contacted by the Los Osos Library recently, in hopes that the Central Coast Woodcarvers would, again, like to show items in the library's display case for the month of August.  Scot will be at the Los Osos Library, 2075 Palisades Ave, this coming Saturday, August 1, at 10:00 a.m. to set up the display.  If any carvers are interested in adding a small ( approx 6" or smaller ) piece or two to the display you may meet with Scot then, maintaining COVID protocols of masks and social distancing. (Scot will reward you with zucchini) The library IS open to patrons for browsing and check-out, but not for inside seating or computer use.  Scot will post a reference to our Central Coast Woodcarver's website as well as the California Carvers Guild website.


* We will NOT be holding our annual Woodcarver's Show in Cambria this year.  The deposit made to the Cambria Veteran's Hall is holding our reservation for the September 2021 show.


* We have not received word back from St. Timothy's regarding a possible CCW swap meet, and it is anticipated that the answer would most likely be "no" in any case.  In the meantime, Dot and Pat Rygh are holding the carving items, wood pieces and tools from Irene Marquart.  (See photos of the large tool chest available) You may view and purchase these items for donation to CCW from the Ryghs.  Please contact them to arrange a time to stop by, and observe all protocols for social distancing and please wear your mask.  Several carvers have stopped in and found nice pieces to add to their own collections.   Tom Wright is storing a dust collector which is also available.  Please let me know if you're interested in that piece.


* Melody Mullis has collected the carving books donated by Irene Marquart and will be cataloging them and adding those to our CCW library


* "It will  probably be a long time before we can get together as a group" as we used to, reports our president Scot Lang.  He and Gary Hensley mentioned that  several of our members, and others belonging to the CCG, have been meeting in small groups here in SLO County and throughout the state, following COVID protocols,

* Scot Lang has been making more masks, which are available for purchase.  His zucchini and gourd gardens are flourishing.  One gourd has grown as tall as his knees, and one of his "people gourds" is 20"long by 6" around.


* Dave Johnson stopped in, as did his new puppy.  No  carving for Dave lately: all spare time goes to training and loving that pup.


* Marsha Goss has been quilting and  doing pyrgraphy- woodburning chickens.  Speaking of chickens, Scot commented on a class taught by Matt Pomerico at the Pioneer History Museum.  The carved piece was a 2" El-Pollo stylized chicken with a sombrero and caballero boots.


* Yvonne Bailey requested some pointers on carving teeth.  She showed us a few of her latest carved characters (see photos) Yvonne mentioned that she has a collection of peacock feathers from her peacocks and is willing to share.  She and her husband ten to their flock of peacocks as well as horses, mules, miniature horses and donkeys, a St Bernard and resident deer.


* James Edwards, inactive with the club for about a year, joined in and shared his peacock piece, patterned after models shown at the Paris World's Fair in 1900.  He has plans to stain and seal the piece with minwax once completed.  Welcome back, James!


* Charlie Roberts was using a power carving tool to carve out a picture fame while we chatted today.


* Melody Mullis was working on the "south end of a north-bound wolf", aka the paws, for her life sized wolf.


*Dot Rygh is thinking about using a piece of gourd for the top of her pine needle basket. 


* For those in Morro Bay or Los Osos: in cooperation with the USDA Farmers to Families program, boxes of fruit are available for pick up each Tuesday, until further notice,  from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 1900 Los Osos Valley Road,  in Los Osos.  Pick up one or more boxes for yourself and/or to share with others.  No appointment needed.  This is a no contact delivery: wear your mask, drive up, ask for the number of boxes you'd like, open your trunk, have your fruit loaded, and drive away.    This program benefits farmers as well as the recipients of the fruit.    Excess boxes are donated to the community center and to the church.  Today's boxes included grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches, plums and more.,


We hope to see you next Tuesday, if not before,


July 21st

Dear Carvers,

Please see photos of  Dave Dignam's decades long project: "Just spent the last 3 months building a 16' cedar wood strip canoe.  Started building 20 years ago in San Jose.  Was 1/3 done and moved to Cambria.  Brought it with me  and hung it in the garage for 17 years.  Took it down in May, hundreds of hours later, finished.  Start to finish 20 years, 3 month."  Good job, Dave!  Patience and persistence pays off beautifully!


This from Scot Lang, from today's MEET session:

"July 21, 2020 

(Meeting note: Our secretary Laurie Wright was unable to attend, so Scot took over the note-taking duties

A dozen carvers were in attendance for the google meeting today. Scot started off the meeting with an update on the status of meeting to swap tools at the church. He is still waiting for confirmation from the church that this would be ok. In the meantime, Pat and Dot have Irene Marquart’s remaining tools on their back patio and anyone who would like to come by to peruse the tools, and the sturdily built chest they are in, can do so, following proper virus protocols of wearing a mask and social distancing.


The group welcomed Gary Hensley, Channel Islands carving group member and current president of the California Carvers Guild.


A discussion was had regarding the possibility of carvers meeting at an outside location in their local regions in groups of 4 or 5 in order to be able to receive or pass along tips and knowledge.


In individual news:

Scot- Received new small tripod that holds cell phone. Will be starting production of content for carving videos.  He’s also been working at harvesting and finding homes for all the zucchini he planted.  He’s still making face masks as well.


Pat- Working on a new large project. A full size gyrefalcon. He will be providing updates.


Dot- Showed us an updated view of her large pine needle and gourd basket.  She also displayed a pine needle basket with a beautifully woodburned base. She is also working on a very shapely avocet.


Brandy- Showed a very nice oak bark and gourd combination decorative wall hanging.


Jerry- Has been working on his property mainly in the cool of the morning and taking it easy the rest of the day.  He has also been working on some new knives.


Yvonne- Was cleaning out a closet and providing us with a show of her various caricature figures: Several gentlemen, a buzzard, a horse, and others.


Brecky- Was getting ready to turn out some newfound pen and pencil kits using some “Pernumbuco” wood.


Gary- Finished a sign for a school; was working on an eagle head, and various other projects including the

installation of a full-shop air filtration system.


Marsha- Has been carving and staining some beautiful oak leaves made from basswood.

(If I missed any folks, please accept my apologies)"

 Thanks you, Scot, for taking such in-depth notes in my stead.  I hope to attend the MEET session next week.

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


July 14th

Happy mid-July, Carvers!

Several of us were able to find our way on to the Google MEET session today. (see photos)  If you tried and weren't successful, we are so sorry for the glitch in the process.  We all are a work in progress.   Don't give up: try again next week.  We look forward to seeing you !

Topics of the Day:


* Many thanks to Marsha and Bill Banks, who opened up their garage this past weekend to members of CCW for perusal and purchase of a wonderful assortment of wood and blanks, kits and partially carved figures. Scot Lang and Dave Dignam  bought supplies for the chapter including wood carving tools, boxes and boxes of wood (basswood, walnut, redwood, miscellaneous and unknown types), planks of cherrywood and more! Several other members found pieces for their personal projects. There is more to be had: we look forward to another opportunity to meet with Bill and Marsha in Cambria. 


* Dot and Pat Rygh visited with CCW Lifemember Irene Marquart  (age 97) and came home with a van filled with carving tools, woodcarving books, a carpenters chest and a dust collector.  Irene suggested selling tools to CCW members and donating the proceeds to  the CCW treasury.  MEET attendees also suggested an on-line auction of items, which was deemed to be  impractical.  Melody Mullis recommended hold a  swap meet for CCW members in the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum parking lot.  Another consideration is doing the same in the St. Timothy's Church parking lot, if Scot receives approval.  Date(s) and time(s) to be determined.  All COVID-19 practices to be in place: masks, gloves, social distancing, limited and  staggered attendance.   Several members have pop-up tents to provided needed shade.     Melody will take the books and add to our chapter's library. 


* Charlie Roberts will be 'freshening up" the CCG website.  Melody Mullis recommended which sells tech programs and related to non-profit organizations.   There was discussion about video editing for carving instruction.  Charlie is familiar with simple editing programs and will advise.


*Unfortunately, the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum is currently closed as directed by Governor Newsome.


*Pat Rygh has started cutting the rough-out for a full sized gyrfalcon: bigger than a redtail.


*Dot Rygh is working on an avocet.


* Scot Lang is beginning to pattern   a "Party Girl" gourd (Dia de Los Muertos  style)   as well as working  on a  commissioned southwestern motif gourd which will include beading.  Scot noted that he applies calcium (powdered milk) to the cut edges of the gourds to prevent rot.  He is having great success in his gourd garden: the gourds are "going nuts" and growing long and skinny.


* Carol Dwyer has been sorting through her 3 bags of unfinished wood projects and is currently working on a spoon.


* Jim Cady has a pair of well-worn boots in the beginning carving stage.


This in from Ed Zirbel: "The attached photos show a couple of bowls I made while communicating with Bob Goss.  He convinced me to try segmented bowl turning by sending a set of plans on how to cut the pieces from board lumber.  Turned out it was interesting, fun and rewarding.  Just had to go to Lowes, get some nice looking boards, cut them down to the dimensions dictated by my drawing on graph paper, though it did require making an adjustable sled for my table saw.  This procedure does take a little more time (and glue) but one of the great reasons for doing a bowl this way is not having to deal with end-grain when turning and the flexibility one has when building it, just don't get your pieces mixed up!" (see photo)


Have a great week out there, or in there, as the case might be,


Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


July 7th

Hello carvers.....


Today session attendees included Scot, Charlie, Yvonne, Breck, Marsha, Melody, Tom & Laurie, George, Carol, Vicki ,  and Dot & Pat.  

Topics included:


* July 4th and fireworks comments.  Pat and Dot Rygh had a birdseye view of the many bursts occurring around Los Osos.


*Bill and Susan Bishop update: "Hi Laurie and all our carving friends. Wanted to post to make sure you know we're feeling very positive about recovering from this Covid Virus.  Susie got a good doctor in the hospital and is home with all the right meds and oxygen, improving every day. Praying, eating healthy foods and resting.  Bill has a carving project he is immersed himself into while we recover. An amazing fish carving. A replica of a Salmon caught  30 years ago in Ireland by his client." (see photo)  We are all relieved to hear that the Bishops are on the mend!


* Vicki Hopson showed us her Tramp Art box. (see photo)  The boxes are made out of individual pieces of wood which are notched and stacked.  The process is similar to chip carving.  Suggested: look online for Tramp Art. Vicki  was taught by Conrad Muenzer in the 1980s , a Tramp Art master.  Vicki and Marsha Goss gave us a brief history of Conrad: he was a German who was captured by the Americans in Africa during WWII, interned in Wyoming, made and sold his Tramp Art pieces from camp, & eventually moved to Guadalupe CA where he began instructing some of our members on the technique. 


* Melody Mullis continues to work on her basswood wolf, a process that has taken "years".  The wolf is built like a carousel horse which is hollow centered yet very heavy.  (see photos)  Melody has also been repairing a bald eagle that she carved awhile back in Oakhurst.  (see photo)


* Scot Lang reminisced that he started carving with members of our chapter when he was 24 (a mere 38 years ago!).  Lately, the only wood he's been working on is a vanity, with a water saving faucet, for his mother.  He continues to make adult and children's masks, which are available per request.   Melody Mullis will take the 30  remaining blank stars from Scot.  There are also approximately a dozen Uncle Sam/Santa head blanks  still available.


* Pat Rygh popped in for a brief moment after coming in from his morning bike ride.


* Dot Rygh showed us her woven basket which is coming along  very nicely.


* Marsha Goss shared that she's been getting back to finishing some pieces she started long ago, including one of Matt Pomerico's cut outs,  which she'll complete in tribute to him. (see photo).  Next, Marsha will finish the automata that Bob Goss started when carving with Matt.  Scot shared his Meadowkawk automata that he carved under Matt's tutelage in Paso Robles.  We talked about Matt's Hop-On-Pop automata and his 3rd place win in the People's Choice competition a few years ago.  Projects ala Matt will be included in future sessions at the museum, in honor of such a fine carver and friend. 


* We hope that Cindy Pomerico will join us on MEET one of these days, if and when she's ready and able.  She's often on our minds and always  in our hearts. 


* Breck Smith was diligently carving away at a horse's head, a bit bigger than a chess piece, while we chatted today.


*Charlie Roberts was working on his wooden picture frames, contemplating how to incorporate a floral design ala relief carving.  Vicki suggested that he view gouge-carving videos on UTube for some ideas and techniques.  Charlie reported that Jeanie Roberts is "doing great" and is  following through with doing her recommended post-surgical exercises.


* Marsha Goss told us of her aunt, born on July 4 in Pittsburg, PA during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.  Her aunt was one of the fortunate babies to survive, as 75% died during that time.  Happily,  she just celebrated her 102nd birthday in Lewiston, Idaho where she was celebrated with a lovely parade.


* Melody Mullis reported that there were no visitors to the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum on the 4th of July.  14 attended on the 5th.  A private tour was given on the 1st.


Please continue to send your photos and emails to me, for sharing in our newsletters.  We are so happy and relieved to be able to stay in touch.  Your activities inspire others to continue to carve and create.  Admiring anothers' work is uplifting to both the creator and viewer.  Each and every one of you are missed!


I hope the next week finds you healthy and happy,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


June 30th

Hi Carvers,

Eleven carvers joined, or tried to join, our  1 1/2 hour session today.  We are still in learning mode with this program so it's taking some time for it to run smoothly for everyone, but we'll get it.  When logging on to the meeting, it may help for you to click on the  Join Google Meeting blue box in your email from Charlie just before the session starts.  Remember to click on the space that allows you to turn on your video and the one that turns on your microphone once you have connected.  If those don't work, try turning off and restarting your computer or logging out and logging back in.  DO NOT click on the "Presentation" or "host" areas of the window.  If you continue to have issues, contact our technical guru , Charlie Roberts.  Our next session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, at 10 a.m.

What we chatted about today:


* Scot Lang displayed a variety of masks he's made for all ages. He reiterated that all of us should continue to " wash hands, wear masks, practice social distancing and stay home unless necessary."  Getting together formally back at St. Timothy's is not considered practical nor safe in this current phase.


* Good thoughts for our 2 COVID positive members and their recovery from all of us at CCW.  We hope to hear encouraging news very soon.


*Melody Mullis reported that the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum had 20 visitors and Saturday, and 14 on Sunday.  The reopening wasn't widely advertised lest hordes of attendees would come and challenge maintaining COVID distancing protocols.


* Melody showed us her full sized carved leaping (not "sleeping" as I reported earlier) wolf. The legs are yet to be attached.  Melody had plans to display her wolf at a woodcarving show last year, hung from the ceiling, but decided that the logistics of that were not so practical.


*Tom Nickelson described the details of carving his  beaver head  practice piece.  He will begin carving the actual piece once he receives juniper wood next week.  His recommendation is to drill the mounting holes BEFORE you start to carve your piece, seconded by Scot, who also reminded us to maintain a center line as you carve.


* Dot Rygh finished her woven basket with a monarch butterfly designed in the inside bottom.  She also completed and showed us a large basket with a flower/madala woodburned  into the inside base.  She is currently working on an even larger basket, drawing the top inwards to fit a future lid.  The sides are supported by artificial sinew and Dot has incorporated beads along the bowl.  Pat Rygh has been too busy housekeeping to carve as Dot still has a week to go before resuming usual activities. 


*Tom Nickelson has a pollinator garden filled with milkweed, sage, sunflowers and small plum trees.  He sees many birds but few butterflies despite having a good supply of milkweed.  His Palo Verde Trees, native to the Southwest, are abuzz with carpenter bees.


*Vicky Hopson is familiar with Palo Verde trees as she's used twigs of the tree along with sinew in her woven baskets.


*Scot Lang mentioned that he and Brandy McKay are watching their gourds growing heartily in the Baywood Community garden, on Baywood Way and First Street in Baywood.


* Marsha Goss is appreciating the cooler weather in Clarksburg this week: down from the 100's to the 90's.


*We heard and saw from Kristen Bachman that the Carpal Tunnel surgery on her right hand went well and she is anxiously awaiting full recovery.  Jeanie Roberts also is recovering from recent surgery.  May you both return to full ability soon!  Dot Rygh's advice was "be sure to  follow through with recommended therapy."


* Yvonne Bailey, who we could hear but not see, shared that she bought a 1"x 30" sander from Harbor Freight for approximately $32(using coupons), removed the sanding belt and replaced it with a like sized piece of leather ordered from Amazon ($18 includes compound solution).  It has worked well  for sharpening her carving blades.  Yvonnne recommends watching Gene Messers uTube tutorial of this.   At least one other carver in the meeting said they would like to try that with their own sander.  


* Charlie Roberts walked us through the  impressive website, which he designed and maintains.  There is a scrolling gallery of the latest photographs of carver's pieces (most likely sent to me by  our carvers which I include in our newsletters, then put on the website by Charlie)  The "Gallery" is a month by month collection of photographed pieces.  The "Featured Artist" section includes available photographs of our chapter carvers and as well as their personal information (which should be submitted to Charlie at or and photographs of their identified pieces.  You may also submit photos of additional pieces or yourself to Charlie.  All of the sections on our website, except for the "Member" only category are accessible by  both CCW members AND the public.


Keep well, carvers, stay safe and do keep in touch,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


June 28th - Midweek Update

Greetings, Carvers,

Thanks to all of the carvers who contributed to the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum July tree display!  Melody  Mullis decorated the tree beautifully and it is up for visitors to view. (see photos provided by Melody) The museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays only during Phase 2 of the COVID reopening process.


Susie Bishop sent the photo of Bill happily carving a salmon while quarantined by COVID just a few days ago. "Can't keep that good man out of the carving studio." They reported that they were  in recovery mode  and anticipated staying home until August 1st.  Unfortunately,   Susie's condition changed this morning and  she was admitted to the hospital in Visalia with COVID pneumonia.  Please keep good thoughts for both Susie and Bill.  We look forward to hearing positive news from them again very soon!


This email from Cindy Pomerico: " Wow I'm so impressed with all the ornaments.  Matt would be so proud......."  Cindy has "a lot of cottonwood bark if anyone would like it."  Contact Cindy at 1(805)712-1740.  (The house number of 805-238-6669  no longer in working order.)   "You are as young as you ever will be, and older than you were a minute ago.  So enjoy every minute.  Love, Cindy Pomerico"


Charlie Roberts has added a link Online Resources to our main menu toolbar, mainly taken from the California Carver's Guild site.  Charlie will post any credible and relevant link that our CCW carvers would like to add to the site.  Recommendations for section titles would be appreciated by Charlie as well.  The information can be emailed to or


Hoping to see many of you during Tuesday's Google MEET session,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


June 24th

Dear Carvers,


Thank you to all who participated in carving ornaments for the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum July tree display and to those who carved pieces for the bar/saloon scene.  The profits from the sale of these items  will be donated to the museum as suggested by Matt Pomerico.  Attached are a sample of pieces carved/made by some of our chapter members (if I have mislabeled any of the pieces, forgive and correct me, please.  Some pieces were not initialed.  I believe that Matt carved several.  Melody was given the unpainted pieces)


Happy birthday wishes going out to Rindi Patterson!


I wasn't able to attend this weeks' Google MEET session but did watch it later.  8 carvers participated. Charlie Roberts may add our virtual sessions to the member section of our webpage.  (Please note: all participants of the MEET sessions agree to be on video prior to participating in each session)  The following are notes from the Tuesday June 23 session:


*  Temperatures: 104 in Clarksburg, 90 in Paso Robles, "cold" in Los Osos, 57 in Cayucos


* Haircuts/hairstyles and the recent lack of  the same  were discussed.


* "We are keeping busy":


*Marsha Goss has been busy quilting during this shelter at home phase (4 quilts- including a log cabin patterned quilt & a table runner) and finished her last basket for awhile:  she's going on basket making hiatus now.  She tends to her outdoor chores, including chicken keeping,  in the cooler hours of the day.


* Dot Rygh was weaving the top section of her pine needle and gourd basket.


*Charlie Roberts is now churning out many wooden picture frames: carved, inlaid &/or wood burned.  He wood burned a lovely portrait of his granddaughter.


*Breck Smith has been making jam from of his own crop of olallieberries and was "making chips" indoors in his kitchen/living room area.


*In addition to re-opening the museum, finishing her own ornaments and getting ready to decorate the tree with all  those collected Melody Mullis has been carving a full sized wolf in a sleeping position out of basswood and has started  intensively using power  to carve an osprey.  


* Tom Nickelson has been working on his 3D beaver head, with power tools.  He is drying out a large piece of juniper in plastic bags.  Tom noted that he has a photo of his grandson riding one of Tom's carved carousel horse, on it's inaugural ride in Oregon.   He reported on the recent fire in Paso Robles and likened fire to wood carving: "Forest fires go where the wood is, just a spark will start it."


* Marsha and Dot recalled Sharon Elliot, a member of a Norther CA carving group, and highly recommend watching her tutorials on utube.  Her utube site is sharonmyart, where she instructs on  carving small figures.  She also has water color painting instructional videos.  Breck mentioned that he'd watched at least one of her videos.  Another resource for instruction is Dave Stetson: he instructs on carving caricatures.


An email  received from Bill and Susie Bishop on Wednesday: " Thank you for the well wishes Carver friends.  We are feeling quite a bit better today after one week of misery hoping for a negative test result in about a week!"   We all wish you healthier days ahead, Bill and Susie!


For those members of our chapter who recently had, or soon will be having, surgery, we wish you  comfortable and complete recoveries!


Please join us again next Tuesday for a Google MEET session, at 10:00 a.m.   Charlie Roberts will send out a reminder....

Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary



June 16th

Hello carvers,

We had a nice on-line turnout today, all of us making our way through a new-to-us Google program.   IF you did NOT receive an email about logging on for today's chat, please send your email address to Charlie Roberts at


News/discussion from today's session (quite a bit):

* Thanks to Charlie Roberts for introducing us to Google MEET.  We have some lessons to learn about the site, but were able to have a productive hour-long  meeting today.  It is hoped that we can keep the same meeting ID for each of our meetings: Charlie will look in to that, and will also regularly send out the meeting login information before each weekly session.  Hint:  remember to turn on your microphone/turn up your volume when joining the meeting!  Charlie will help you navigate through the site if you're having trouble.  Future  MEET sessions will be available for on-line review by all CCW carvers following each get-together.


* Scot Lang contacted Lynn Nicholson,  to obtain the CaliforniaCarver'sGuild EIN number for us to be registered as a non-profit for our Google account.  After hearing about what our  CCW webmaster Charlie Roberts has done for our chapter, the CCG is hoping to incorporate our website into their own, once developed more expansively.  So impressed with the CCW website, the powers that be at CCG have requested that Charlie also take on the role as CCG webmaster as the current CCG webmaster will soon be stepping down!  We were reminded that CCG is the carving "club" and we, the CCW, are one of its carving "chapters".


* Options for on-line meeting days and times were discussed.     Please consider the questions below and email ( text (805-215-2744)your preferences to me:

  • What day(s) of the week  would you prefer for participating in an  on-line  woodcarver's  Google MEET session?

  • What start time(s) do you prefer for  a MEET session?


* Please take a look at our chapter's website    www.          Charlie has done an outstanding job putting this together and keeping it updated.  KUDOS to you, Charlie!   Charlie will be soon taking  those photos now in the Gallery section of the website that are indentified by the carver's name and moving them into a separate, individual carver profile. (see "Featured Artist" section) Please submit any photos of your pieces or bio information(using a word document rather than a PDF)   to Charlie at to add to your  public profile on the website.


 *Scot Lang has been looking into video capabilities for CCW training/instructional purposes.  He has looked over the GoPro options available at Target, with a price range of $199-$600, plus the cost of a memory card, a harness, & a tripod.  He will continue to research  the best options for our chapter members to use.    Using Ipads and Smart phones for video instruction has reportedly not been very successful among our members.


* Scot Lang reviewed the criteria for Phase 2 opening in San Luis Obispo County.  Although churches will be allowed to hold services, and our meetings are held at a church annex, we are considered a "community group" thus we don't meet criteria for meeting as a group of more than 10.   At risk individuals (those 65 and over, those with health conditions) are still advised to stay at home per county guidelines.  It is unlikely that we'll gathering at St. Timothy's anytime soon.  There were ideas expressed about 10 or fewer possibly carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum on a monthly basis  or  being able to gather in local parks.  No chapter determinations, other than our MEET sessions, have been decided on.


* Dave Johnson  has been carving  cedar stems for his pipestone pipes.  He is willing to cut pieces of pipestone and send /deliver to any of our carvers wanting to work with that medium.  He does need to know the dimensions you'd like cut. (  His instructional video is in progress.

*Kristen Bachman will be having Carpal Tunnel surgery on her right hand next week.  She received many helpful suggestions for post-surgical attire from some of our carvers, including implementing "Expand" shoe laces rather than tie-able laces during her recuperation. 


*Dot & Pat Rygh will celebrate their 65th anniversary this week!  CONGRATULATIONS Dot & Pat! Dot promises to make her traditional anniversary carrot cake this time next year, when we all will be able to enjoy it, but  reiterates that "there's no rush into getting together", awaiting the all clear in these uncertain days.   Dot was working on a small basket during our chat today.  Pat will give pipestone carving a try. 


* HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to Scot Lang and to Jim Cady!  Another year more experienced! 


* Tom Wright will deliver coastal carver's patriotic ornaments to Melody Mullis on  Wednesday, June 24.  Please call me (805-215-2744) to pick up, or deliver to 2100 Pecho Road Los Osos before then.  Melody may be contacted for North County pick up/delivery at 805-748-4143.  Thank you!


* Yvonne Bailey shared the soldier and clown figures she's worked on this past week and  told us about "Informed Mail Delivery".  If you are interested in being notified when your USPS mail has been delivered you may log onto and follow the prompts for signing up:   Sign in to your personal® account. Select “Informed Delivery”, located in the Account Management section. If you have already failed to verify your identity online in the last 72 hours, you will see “Verify Your Identity” in red font. Select “Enroll in Informed Delivery”.    


* Tom Nickelson showed us the practice piece of the OSU beaver logo he is working on. He's practiced on cottonwood, will proceed to butternut and juniper. The finished piece will be  8"x 6".


*  We got to peek in Ray Johnson's shop this morning and admired the "Pauline Revere" he carved for the museum tree (see photo)


* Kristen and Yvonne mentioned carving related Facebook groups, which include BWC Beginning Wood Carvers, Helvie Wood Carvers, and Lets Talk Carving.


*Yvonne provided the links to these  wood carving YouTube sites: "Sharon my art..  To start off doing  Mini's like Jack Price use to do.  Good tutorial Gene Messer     Has over 1500 Tutorials   scroll and see.     HTTPS://      Doug Linker Always something different  Good tutorials.  Dennis Stallings    has a good cowboy Windy. Plus many more.  ( we just lost Dennis about a year ago in one of our groups)   I have pattern if anyone wants to try.   HTTPS://

Lynn O  Doughty    Out standing tutorials.   A bit to advanced for me.  But learn a lot watching.

Roger Stegall         Just started his  Cowboy bust wiht a handlebar mustache    waiting for new part this week to be added.   Good Face tutorial

Helvie group has tutorials that are really good fromBart Wilson.  But have to belong to group...    Easy to join.

I belive Gene Messer and Doug Linker have videos on how they film the tutorials."


On another note:  Ed Zirbel was cutting  limbs off of a bottlebrush tree this past week and Ed, " who can't see a piece of turnable wood disposed of took it home and turned it just to see what it looked like inside.  The photo shows the raw piece and the finished piece.  It's a keeper, nice reds and oranges.  The dark is where smaller off-shoot branches were growing.  You never know what is under that bark....Stay vigilant when pruning"


Feel free to email photos, articles, hints and suggestions to me for future newsletters.  You may or may not receive a newsletter next week.   If you would like to be removed from our CCW mailing list please let me know.


Keep yourself and others safe and healthy, 

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


June 9th

Happy Tuesday, Carvers!


13 of us "met" today on ZOOM, including Dave, Ed, Dick and Bob logging on from Dave Dignam's garage where they were working on museum ornaments and bark carving..


We discussed some options for continuing our ZOOM meetings and changing the format, length and hosting capabilities.  Charlie Roberts, our webmaster, reminded us that as part of our club's Google arrangement, we have free access to Google's version of Zoom aka " Google MEET" which includes no fees,  meeting time limits or multiple host considerations.  We all agreed that we will begin using the MEET format next week.  You will receive a meeting ID and password just as you have had with Zoom, and the process should be very similar to what we have used with Zoom.  We will be able to share images, documents and hold class sessions, as well.  There are other communication tools via Google which we will learn about as time goes by.  Dave Johnson mentioned using "What's APP".  Yvonne Bailey suggested that our club set a Facebook page for easy communication between members, posting  of photos of pieces, etc.  We will discuss if our site would be for members only or available to the public and determine who would be the administrator(s) of a CCW Facebook group.


Scot Lang reported that we don't yet have an update  about when/if we might be able to gather in St Timothy's annex again, and when we do, what could that look like:  if we are limited to 10 or less attendees we might consider dividing into several session of two hours each, for example, on a Tuesday.  We will keep you posted....


Walt Ross is asking for a CCW membr to assume the care and transportation of the club's wood sharpening equipment.  Any volunteers?  Walt  already has a  sharpening tool of his own and is looking for someone who might be interested in having the sharpening tool at hand for their own needs as well as bringing it to future meetings.  Please contact Walt or myself to coordinate picking up the equipment.  Perhaps sharpening equipment could be available on selected Tuesdays, rather than being loaded and brought every Tuesday ( the machinery is heavy and cumbersome and was not used every week in the past)


Dave Johnson showed us his completed pipestone pipe.  He and Roy Case are in the process of making an instructional video, which Charlie Roberts will help to upload.  Dave suggests that pipestone is best used for making effigies, jewelry or fetishes (small pieces).  After working with pipestone Dave has come up with this little ditty:" Roses are red, violets are blue, if you work with pipestone, you'll get red, too!" In other words, you might get dirty, pipestone dirty.


Melody Mullis reiterated that the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum will be opening on the 27th of June, weekends only for the time being.   The ornaments that the carvers donate will be on display (not for sale ) on the 9' tall tree this July.  In July 2021 the collected ornaments may decorate a variety of smaller trees and will be for sale to the public, with the proceeds being donated to the museum from the Central Coast Woodcarvers.  You may collect your carvings back from Melody after July 2020 if you choose to do so.  She will keep the remaining ornaments in storage until next year.  Please have your ornaments delivered to Melody or myself by June 24.


Yvonne Bailey showed us the motorcycle figure she'd carved. 


Dot Rygh held up the gourd -bottomed pine -needle woven basket that she's been working on.  The process has taken her "weeks and weeks" as she works during TV time.  Dot gathers her long pine needles from various people and places.  She is learning how to weave a pine needle lid for her piece. 


Melody Mullis held up her completed  woodburned  elephant piece.  Thinking that the scenario looked too dark, she sanded over some of the elephants that she'd wooodburned, creating a  stunning 3-D effect. 


Tom Nickelson reminded us of and showed us the beaver that he'd been working on for the President of Oregon State University.  Unhappy with the way it was turning out, Tom has scrapped that piece and will now be working on relief carving OSU's "Angry Beaver" 2-D logo into a 3-D model.  Tom will practice with and carve with various woods, using butternut, juniper and cottonwood.  He has a beaver skull to use as a model.  Scot commented to Tom "That's why your hair is so short, due to all that headscratching."


Scot Lang bought himself an early birthday present: an 81/2 x 11" tracing board with LED, to trace patterns, pictures, etc.  Yvonne Bailey mentioned that she'd made one for herself, using an old scanner, which works well.


Dave Dignam will be buying Matt Pomerico's stock of basswood for the club.  He, Ed, Dave, and Bob will assess  Bill Banks' wood supply and determine what could be used for club purposes and will report back.  Having a tailboard "stop and shop" sale of Bill's wood and tools is a possibility, date and place to be determined.

The saloon scene which Matt Pomerico initiated last year and skillfully worked on, along with other carvers, will be given to Melody Mullis for the museum by Dave Dignam.


What a busy and productive week for our carvers!


Until next time,

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary

June 7th

It's Sunday, Carvers....

A few updates have come in so I felt an extra newsletter was warranted.


Upcoming Tuesday  ZOOM get-together: mark your calendars for 10:00 to join in a chat with your fellow carvers.  We will be expanding our time limit either this week or next, and hopefully will be able to hold some classes via this method once our instructors have come up with a format.


Melody Mullis reports that the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum IS planning to be open in July.  Melody is happy to collect ornaments carved by North County carvers and I will collect from our coastal carvers.  Melody and I will meet on Wednesday June 24 with collected ornaments, so please have your ornaments picked up/delivered by then.  Please call Melody at 805-748-4143 (leave a message)to schedule a pick-up in North County.  Please text me at 805-215-2744 to schedule a pick up of ornaments on the coast.  (You are also welcome to drop them at my home: 2100 Pecho Road, Los Osos)  It is suggested that you initial your ornaments, if possible, and/or photograph them if you'd like to reclaim them after July.    As the number of visitors to the museum next month is anticipated to be low, the plan for the carved ornaments this year is that they will be on display only, not for sale.     For those who wish to reclaim their ornaments after July, you are welcome to do so.  Melody will store the remaining ornaments for next year's tree, with the expectation that those ornaments will be for sale to patrons.   The money  collected for sold ornaments next year will be donated to the museum, as suggested by Matt Pomerico.      So you have yet another year to carve additional patriotic ornaments!             Melody mentioned that she has carved a gold star in memory of Matt and is carving one in memory of Bob Goss to add to the tree.  Thank you, Melody, and to all who are contributing to the tree this year and next.


Speaking of ornaments:  see the photo of the lathe turned 2" tupelo wood ornaments made  by Ed Zirbel.      Because they were heavy, Ed cut them in half while on the lathe, hollowed out the ball portion, then superglued them back together, keeping the circumference true.   Ed sprayed the ornaments white, and added the red stripes and blue field as they were on the lathe.  The stars were hand painted.      Perfect for the patriotic themed History Museum tree and as ornaments for Christmas!


Dave Johnson and Roy Case have gotten together to work on carving pipestone.  Their 5 hours of carving produced the pipes in the photo, which are almost completed.  Dave is working on an instructional video which hopefully can be uploaded to U-Tube.


I was contacted by Bill Banks, in-law to Joe & Polly Bullock (they carved in San Simeon, with Bob & Marsha Goss, Scot Lang, et al years ago)  Bill has a large collection (30 apple boxes full, valued at approximately $1000) that Joe & Polly collected over the years, that he is wanting to part with, as he cleans out the garage.  The wood pieces and blanks include basswood, ironwood, boxwood and more.  Bill also has a collection of woodcarving tools, mainly for mallet carving, to offer.  He would like to sell these at reasonable prices to our club and club members.  Members may contact him directly at 559-940-7155.  He and I may also coordinate a  stop-and-go sale where carves could sort through the pieces, while masked and gloved and maintaining social distance.  Date and place to be determined.


From Jack Maroney regarding the redwood pieces available in the Carmel valley area: (contact Candy )"Attached is a pic of redwood Candy is offering to carving group"  See photo.


I hope all are enjoying the weekend.  Looking forward to seeing some of you on Tuesday,


Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


June 2nd

Hello Carvers,

It was refreshing to chat with 10 of our carvers via ZOOM yesterday.  We currently have a 45 minute chat time limit which we plan to increase for our future sessions.  Sorry to those who were logging on as our session timed out.  When participating in ZOOM sessions be sure to have your microphone on to chat (can mute when not conversing) and your volume up.  Feel free to let me know if you are unsure how to log on to ZOOM and I will walk you through it (it is not difficult).   We all are adapting to new ways to stay in touch.....


Scot Lang spoke about the options for future woodcarving sessions: Current county-wide directives are that no more than 10 community members are permitted to gather in one locale. High risk individuals are still being advised to remain home.   Our club will be developing  protocols to follow.  If we meet officially as a CCW group at an alternate local venue we may need to add an insurance policy.  There are members who currently opt to gather as small groups on patios, in parking lots, at parks: ideally maintaining social distancing, with a maximum of 10 attendees, wearing masks and following sanitary protocols.   We will continue our ZOOM sessions indefinitely.


Jerry  Graybill informed us that St Timothy's church is awaiting a  directive about reopening for services there. The status of using the annex is yet to be determined.  If the annex is reopened for our use, speculation is that our numbers might still be limited to 10 attendees, bathrooms might require cleaning after each use, attendees would need to bring in their own coffee and foods, no shared goodies. 


Holding regular sessions outdoors was suggested, however we would still be limited to 10 participants, per current regulations.  Having classes, broken up into 10 person groups, at separate sessions was suggested. We revisited  holding ZOOM classes, which the chat participants were enthused about. 


This years scheduled classes include: pipestone carving, spoon making and chain carving.  The instructors for those classes may want to instruct  via Zoom or via U-tube. Sharing instruction sheets via mail or email is currently working for some members. Additional courses, instructors, and suggestions for alternative methods of instruction are welcome.


Both Jerry, in Atascadero, and Marsha, in Clarksburg reported expected outdoor temperatures of 103 so were planning on keeping cool indoors.


Marsha Goss showed us  a pine needle basket, a gouge-carved box with acorns and oak leaves which was colored with an acrylic wash, and her gourd based bowl, topped with woven pine needles, into the bowl of which she coated with beeswax and painstakingly inset seed beads for a beautiful pattern.  She also shared Bob's last project: a butternut wood bowl, carved with a fall motif.


Dot Rygh also showed us her beautiful pine needle woven bowl. She is working on a gourd bottomed/pine woven basket and is "coming along fine' after having a pacemaker placed.  She and Marsha reminisced about taking pine weaving classes long ago in Pozo, and giving classes themselves at our club's meetings.  Pat Rygh's carved flute collection was nicely displayed behind them as we chatted.


Jim Cady was outside in the pleasantly cool Los Osos climate working on a carved shoe.

Scot Lang showed us his patriotic and Elvis patterned masks.  Jerry Graybill modeled one of Scot's owl masks and the Hawaiian patterned mask he also received. 


Tom Bundy has been working on carving an Indian mask.

Yvonne Bailey showed a beaded amulet/purse, a beaded bracelet, her woodburning of a crow, her curly hair carving, and practice smiles.  She is eager for classes and tutorials and will soon be working on a "Silly Sheep" pattern en route to her from Jerry Graybill.


Jack Maroney forwarded the following email from his friend Steve Davalos in Carmel Valley, who received it from Candy Harber (, thinking someone in our group might be interested: " barn has cut down all their dying/dead redwood trees.  Probably 30 of them.  They are going to save the really big stuff, 8' diameter, but have lots of smaller bits and pieces, quite a few about 2'x3' and nothing seems to be checked.  These trees all died about 5-7 years ago but have been standing in place ever since.  Candles waiting to be ignited, for sure.  Now, they're down and ours for the taking, at least the smaller bits.  Who wants to go over and dig through the pile?  Let me know, I'll coordinate it with the barn and off we go.  Hope you are all staying safe and keeping well."


We are all adapting, and will continue to do so.  May you all keep healthy, stay safe and strive to see the/be the goodness and kindness in our world.

Laurie Wright, 2020 Secretary


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