Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday in the annex of St Timothy's Church (962 Piney Way) in Morro Bay, 9a.m. - 2 p.m. Specific class instruction may be offered during those sessions. Space is always available for carvers not participating in a class, for their own individual projects.
March 14 (and every 2nd Saturday of the month): Carving at the Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum 1-4 p.m. Scot Lang or Dave Dignam will fill in for Matt as needed to lead the sessions.
March 24 & 31: Pipestone Carving. Instructor: Dave Johnson
April 19-25: Oakhurst Rendezvous (for information: wwwcacarversguild.org)
May 12, 19 & 26: Spoon Carving: Instructors: Jerry Graybill & Kristen Bachman
June: Carvers to work on Paso Robles Pioneer History Museum tree pieces, and Show pieces
July: Carvers to work on Show pieces
August: Carvers to wok on Show pieces
September 19 & 20: WOODCARVER'S SHOW! (all hands onboard!)
October 13, 20 & 27: Chain Carving. Instructor: Scot Lang
November :TBA
December: CCW member and family Holiday party, ornament exchange and business meeting.