Happy May, Carvers!
30 carvers filled St. Timothy's annex today, demonstrating a great variety of projects and techniques. Some were even getting started on their Christmas ornaments, for our annual exchange in December! As always, snacks and coffee kept everyone's energy at a happy level.
Dick Marshall took the initiative to order business cards for our group (see attached). You are encouraged to keep a few on hand to pass along to any potentially interested carvers who cross your path. We gladly welcome visitors and interested carvers to our sessions.
Charlie Roberts has donated several sticks of abrasive cleaner to be used for cleaning sandpaper and power tool teeth. We will keep one stick in our supply box, and Charlie has offered the remaining pieces to any interested members.
You may see some of our carvers at Cambria's Heritage Day on Saturday, May 26, from 11-4 p.m. at the Cambria History Museum.
Although I emailed, texted and/or called all members on our roster regarding last weeks' cancelled Tuesday carving session, somehow at least one or more members did NOT get the message. I suspect that some member's emails may have mysteriously been rerouted to their "Junk" or "Spam" folders. As I send out several emails a month, I recommend that you check these folders if you haven't been getting regular emails from me. If you haven't heard from me in awhile, please email, text or call me and we will try to get you caught up. I do know that there are several members who do not, or very irregularly, log on to see their mail and might be missing out on our club's information. Please let me know how best to communicate with you. May I suggest that if you receive an email from me, especially about special notices, you might reply "OK" so I am aware that you are getting the information.
Thanks for your time!
Laurie Wright, 2019 Secretary
Central Coast Woodcarvers, Chapter 7 of the California Carver's Guild